Nov. 07, 2012–Who Captivates You determines Who will be Captivated by You

Our pastor friend Deborah Borozny of Eagles Nest Christian Centre recently pointed out that when 12 year-old Jesus chose to stay back in Jerusalem while his parents headed back home, he was totally captivated by his “Father’s business.” (Luke 2:40-52) Obviously this continued over the next 18 years.

Because something happens at age 30 when he embarks on his earthly ministry. After preaching just one sermon, as Jesus is walking along the seashore, he calls Peter, Andrew, James and John to follow him. Scripture records that they left what they were doing “immediately” and followed him. (Matthew 4:18-22)

Jesus has not performed a single miracle. He has not delivered the Sermon on the Mount yet. The text of the one sermon he did preach consisted only of one point delivered in one single sentence: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” Not exactly the kind of eloquence that would galvanize an audience into obedience!

Jesus did not launch much of a recruitment campaign either. He made no sweet promises. He had no compelling slogan. He gave them no vision or mission statement. Yet, these fishermen were so captivated by Jesus that they were willing to walk away from their previous calling and follow him.

May I suggest to you that it was because the disciples could see in Jesus the Father who captivated him. Later on, it was said of these same disciples: “These men had been with Jesus.” (Acts 4:13) Clearly, they had been captivated by Jesus!

Who captivates you? Be careful! Because it determines who will be captivated by you. As an old hymn puts it:

“By looking to Jesus, like Him thou shalt be; Thy friends in thy conduct His likeness shall see.”