Nov. 13, 2012–Two Blessings from One Mistake?

Morning Glory Muffin & Carrot LoafOn Saturday, I decided to bake Morning Glory Muffins for the very first time. Following an online recipe, I sifted together the dry ingredients, whisked together the wet items and blended them together.

It was only while spooning the muffin mix into the 12th baking cup that I went “Oops!”  I had completely forgotten to add the grated carrots. What is an amateur baker supposed to do? Stick them in the oven anyway and hope for the best. Amen? (Thanks for your Amen).

But what of the 2 cup mistake that was staring me in the face? Surely, I couldn’t waste all that carotene! Brainwave!! Make a carrot loaf!!!

Thanks to a Martha Stewart recipe, the ingredients were all mixed together while the muffins were merrily baking away. Within an hour, we had 16 Morning Glory Muffins and one carrot loaf.

Incredibly, the muffins tasted just fine, as did the carrot loaf.

In retrospect I realized that I had subconsciously followed Elisha’s prescription for dealing with culinary disasters (II Kings 4:38-41). Add flour!

OK, so we weren’t exactly dealing with poison in the dough…but it made me realize that God can make even our mistakes come out tasting good!

You may have heard the story about the guy who went to the wrong funeral by mistake and ended up marrying the daughter of the deceased!

Or Art Fry who turned a mistake in manufacturing an adhesive at 3M into the highly successful “Post-It” notes.

The apostle Paul reminds us that “All things work together for good to those who love the Lord.” (Romans 8:28).

Ever wonder why God does not prevent us from making mistakes along the road to our destiny? Could it be partly because He wants to make blessings out of our mistakes?

What do you think?