Nov. 28, 2012–Interval Training for the Soul

girl on exercise bikeOver the past three years, we have experienced several periods of fasting in the two churches I pastor (Morgan’s Point & Forks Road East) in Wainfleet Township in the South Niagara region of Ontario, Canada.

Whether the fasts last 10, 11, 21 or 40 days, they always produce two distinct results.

  1. We are guaranteed to experience breakthroughs in health, relationships, finances–you name it, we got it!

2.  We can count on witnessing incredible changes in ourselves–in every realm–spiritual, mental, emotional and physical.

For example, this Lenten season’s version, which started out being “Forty Days of Fasting Plus” eventually got dubbed as “The 4 C’s Fast”.

It was based on a verse from that famous passage on fasting in Isaiah 58 which includes this simple injunction to “put away the pointing finger and malicious talk” (v. 9).

The idea was deceptively simple: Refrain from Criticizing, Condemning, Complaining and Comparing. But it was by no means easy.

Some remarked that they would have much preferred to stay away from another set of 4 C’s instead–Chocolate, Chips, Cookies and Candy!

Those who stuck to it faithfully discovered that it had a greater impact on their lives than anyone could’ve imagined.

Sulojana and I have found it very difficult to allow any of the 4 C’s to creep into our speech ever since. When we do, we catch each other in the act with a well-timed “4 C’s!” followed by a very predictable liturgical response: “Oops!”

Several days back, in another post I wrote about Interval Training, where you alternate short intervals of intense physical exertion with longer periods of rest and repeat several times. Repeat every other day. It will take no longer than 10-15 minutes in total per session, but the effect in reducing and eliminating stubborn belly fat is nothing short of amazing.

I am now beginning to realize that Fasting for short periods is more like Intervals for the soul! It involves putting up with pain/discomfort for a short period of time, but the results are long-lasting and very noticeable.

We are being led to exercise one more Fasting Interval this year.  We’ve labelled it THE 12:12:12 FAST.

Beginning Dec. 1 and ending Dec. 12, it will last a relatively short period of 12 days.  The purpose of this fast is twofold:

  1. PRESS IN for fulfilment of promises and prophetic words in the first 12 days of the 12th month of the 12th year.
  2. PRESS ON toward God’s future plans for us in 2013 & beyond.

On a PERSONAL level, we encourage you to make a list of what remains unfulfilled in 2012, so you can press in for their fulfilment. Seek the Lord for revelation regarding what He has in store for you in 2013.

CORPORATELY, there will be a Directive for every day of the Fast, based on twelve “12:12” Scriptures, that will come out as daily revelations on

As with all our fasts, what you give up FOOD/DRINK-wise is between you and the Lord. Please consult your physician if you need assistance.

  • Please refrain from THE 4 C’s.
  • Reduce/Cut out your MEDIA intake–e.g. TV, Internet, Facebook.
  • INCREASE QUIET TIME in God’s Presence by 5 minutes a day.
  • INPUT THE WORD OF GOD at least once a day through Scripture Readings and the Speech Therapy Script (tomorrow’s topic!).

We invite you to join us on the 12:12:12 Fast and experience the lasting effects of Interval Training for your soul.