Feb. 19, 2013–The Joel 2 Fast

Now, therefore,” says the Lord, “Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.” (Joel 2:12)

Once again this Lent, the Lord is directing our churches to observe a 40 Day Fast beginning today.

I am sensing that He wants me to invite all of you who are so led to join us on this Fast as well.

We are being led to focus on Joel 2:12-32 as the key passage for this year’s Fast.

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40 Day Joel 2 Fast, Feb. 19-Mar. 30, 2013

There are two main things that God wants His people to do as part of this Fast.

1. Turn (Return) to Him with all their heart (v. 12, 13)

2. Fast as an entire community—elders, children, nursing babes, priests, etc. (v. 16, 17)

In return God wants to do seven amazing things for His people.

  1. Bring Prosperity (v. 19, 22, 24, 26)
  2. Remove enemies (v. 20)
  3. Bring the “rain” in season (v. 22, 23)
  4. Restore what was lost (v. 25)
  5. Pour out His Spirit on all flesh (v. 28, 29)
  6. Work wonders (v. 30, 31)
  7. Grant salvation and deliverance (v. 32)

We are encouraging our folks to focus on:

  • Coming Together in Unity &
  • Come Clean in Totality

To come together in unity, we need to:

  • Pay attention to what divides us or threatens to divide us and seek reconciliation.
  • Focus on the same purpose as a community and
  • Eliminate ALL NEGATIVITY (as we did last year with the 4 C’s)

To come clean in totality PERSONALLY, we need to

  • Pay attention to everything that prevents us from being totally in the right with God.
  • Confess our sin, repent and lead lives of holiness.

The Lord is directing us to read and reflect on 8 different passages of Scripture and seek His revelation on every passage for 5 days each.

Feb. 19-23—Joel 2:12-32

Feb. 24-28—Isaiah 58

Mar.01-05—Psalm 51

Mar.06-10—Exodus 20:1-17

Mar.11-15—Ephesians 4

Mar.16-20—I Corinthians 12

Mar.21-25—Matthew 18

Mar.26-30—Matthew 5:1-16

We are following these SIX STEPS with every passage:

1. Read the passage out aloud once and in silence once.

2. Take a minimum of 10 minutes to seek God’s revelation.

3. Journal your revelations.

4. Pray according to the revelations. e.g. Confess sin, Praise God for victory, Pray for someone else, etc.

5. Thank God for every one of the 7 results. E.g. “I thank you God for bringing prosperity, removing my enemies, etc…”

6. Share your experience with an Accountability Partner.

As with all our fasts, what you give up FOOD/DRINK-wise is between you and the Lord. Please consult your physician to make sure that you are not jeopardizing your health in any way.

We also reduce/cut out MEDIA intake–e.g. TV, Internet, Facebook.

Please refrain from THE 4 C’s—Criticism, Condemning, Complaining & Comparing AT ALL COSTS! We shall ELIMINATE ALL NEGATIVITY!

Please ADD an ACT OF SERVICE to your life every week. e.g. visit a shut-in, phone a lonely person, invite someone to your house (even from church!), write an encouraging note, etc.

If you are saving some $$$ by giving up something, put it in an envelope and ask the Lord where to direct it at the end of the Fast.

There you have it, the 40 Day Joel 2 Fast.

Would you please let us know if you are joining us on this Fast? Simply add a comment below. Thanks.