Did you hear about the lumberjack who bought himself a chainsaw? He had heard that it would help him cut down more trees than he could with his axe.
Three days later he was back at the hardware store in a foul mood demanding his money back. “This chainsaw has not helped me cut down more trees like it’s supposed to!” he complained.
The customer service person checked the blade, decided that it was sharp enough. So he pulled the starting cord to see if the motor was fine.
That’s when the lumber jack yelled: “Hey, what’s that noise?”
That story came to mind when I realized that I had been using the Proglide on manual mode, when it actually came with a battery and power.
Once I found the switch, it was amazing what a difference it made! Now it really felt more like a glide than a shave!
Yes, there are times when you’ve got the power…you just don’ t know you’ve got it!
Yesterday was Pentecost Sunday. We celebrated the coming of the Holy Spirit as described in Acts 2:1-21 with rushing wind and tongues of fire.
The miracle of people who were there from all over the world hearing the disciples speak in their native tongues, the fiery sermon that Peter preached, the conviction of the Holy Spirit that drove people to ask: “What must we do?”, the 3000 who were baptized that day…WOW! What a meeting that was!
The aftermath was even more incredible.
“Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need…And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:43-45, 47)
Amazing demonstrations of Holy Spirit Power, would you agree? How did they get it?
According to Peter, when we repent of our sins and turn to God, and are baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins, then we will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38)
Despite receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit at their conversion, why is it that many Christians even today live lives that are not characterized by His power?
Could it be because they have not learned how to release the power that already resides in them as the early church did?
Yes, the chainsaw has incredible power, but someone has to pull the cord first. The Proglide had a battery installed, but someone had to press the power button, amen?
Can you relate? I can. I’ve been there. As you may have read in the May 09 DWOD, it was only when I stepped out in faith that I realized that Holy Spirit was more than willing to manifest His power in healing.
Dear DWOD friend, may I encourage you to also follow suit?
You’ve got the Power, the power of “the Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead.” (Romans 8:11). Now simply release what you have received.
Step out. Lay hands on the sick. Release prophetic words over others. Let His Power flow through you into people dealing with pain, disease, hopelessness and weakness.
As He comes through for you, you too will discover that life in the power of the Holy Spirit is indeed a Pro-Glide!
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