May 21, 2013–What to do with What-If’s

Darren Profile Nov. 2012Guard my life and rescue me; do not let me be put to shame, for I take refuge in you.
May integrity
 and uprightness protect me, because my hope, Lord,is in you. (Psalm 25:20-21)

Perhaps there have been times when you have gone through absolute terror in the face of the unknown, as I have. You know, when it feels like you are going to be devoured by the enemy of your soul.  There have been times in my own life when the attack of the enemy against me is so strong that the only refuge is to hide within God.

I find that one of the strongest things that I can do in the face of trial is to open up the Psalms and begin to read.  It is as though David went through everything I went through, but always managed to find his God through it.

And so as I read the Psalms great refreshing begins to wash over me as I seek to find my God even in my own trials.

Over the last few days I have felt great panic in my heart in the face of unknown circumstances coming toward me.  I dont know about you, but I often envision bad things in the face of new circumstances.  I hate to say this, but there are times that I meditate on the what ifs rather than the nature of my God.

What if bad comes my way because of my lack of knowledge? 

What if the enemy triumphs over me? 

These attacks can be a little more subtle and have great power like a word from a friend who says that something bad is about to happen to you, but you will overcome.  It can sound like a word from God, but there is no heavens dew upon it.

Have you ever faced a word that sounded like God, but caused great fear and shame in your heart?

Even if you make mistakes, God is there loving and protecting you.  I have seen it time and time again in my own life.  I dont always make the best decisions and not because I am trying to be devious, but because I lack knowledge.

The Lord in these moments is gracious and forgives and helps me to stand even when the decisions I made may have been wrong.  He can make a way even when there seems to be no way.

These thoughts bring me great peace.  What a God we serve!  He is the God of the miraculous and His ways are always good and He has good in store for all of our lives. 

That has been my experience over the course of my Christian life and I know it can be yours as well.  So dont give up hope, but continue steadfast in Him and watch how He guides your path and keeps you even in the face of your mistakes.    

May 20, 2013–You’ve got the Power!

Proglide powerDid you hear about the lumberjack who bought himself a chainsaw? He had heard that it would help him cut down more trees than he could with his axe.

Three days later he was back at the hardware store in a foul mood demanding his money back. “This chainsaw has not helped me cut down more trees like it’s supposed to!” he complained.

The customer service person checked the blade, decided that it was sharp enough. So he pulled the starting cord to see if the motor was fine.

That’s when the lumber jack yelled: “Hey, what’s that noise?”

That story came to mind when I realized that I had been using the Proglide on manual mode, when it actually came with a battery and power.

Once I found the switch, it was amazing what a difference it made! Now it really felt more like a glide than a shave!

Yes, there are times when you’ve got the power…you just don’ t know you’ve got it!

Yesterday was Pentecost Sunday. We celebrated the coming of the Holy Spirit as described in Acts 2:1-21 with rushing wind and tongues of fire.

The miracle of people who were there from all over the world hearing the disciples speak in their native tongues, the fiery sermon that Peter preached, the conviction of the Holy Spirit that drove people to ask: “What must we do?”, the 3000 who were baptized that day…WOW! What a meeting that was!

The aftermath was even more incredible.
“Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need…And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:43-45, 47)

Amazing demonstrations of Holy Spirit Power, would you agree? How did they get it?

According to Peter, when we repent of our sins and turn to God, and are baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins, then we will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38)

Despite receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit at their conversion, why is it that many Christians even today live lives that are not characterized by His power?

Could it be because they have not learned how to release the power that already resides in them as the early church did?

Yes, the chainsaw has incredible power, but someone has to pull the cord first. The Proglide had a battery installed, but someone had to press the power button, amen?

Can you relate? I can. I’ve been there. As you may have read in the May 09 DWOD, it was only when I stepped out in faith that I realized that Holy Spirit was more than willing to manifest His power in healing.

Dear DWOD friend, may I encourage you to also follow suit?

You’ve got the Power, the power of “the Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead.” (Romans 8:11). Now simply release what you have received.

Step out. Lay hands on the sick. Release prophetic words over others. Let His Power flow through you into people dealing with pain, disease, hopelessness and weakness.

As He comes through for you, you too will discover that life in the power of the Holy Spirit is indeed a Pro-Glide!

May 19, 2013–“Come, See.” Some Saw.

Free ProglideThe decision to switch to a Proglide Fusion Power Razor has not been without controversy.

Some who heard the news have wondered how a Canadian pastor serving two rural congregations in the Niagara region of Ontario, driving a Buick with 300,000+ km could opt for such an opulent shaving machine.

The answer, dear DWOD subscriber, is simple: The price was right.

You see, Gillette made an offer that was exceedingly difficult to turn down. They offered the razor for free. Gratis. No strings attached. Just a cartridge.

How could a cost-conscious consumer resist, eh?

It was as though Gillette said: “You have everything to gain and nothing to lose by trying it out.”

It is a principle that has worked very well in other areas as well.

Virtually every car purchase begins with a test-drive, doesn’t it? “Just take it for a spin.”

“See for yourself.” “Check it out.” “Try it on for size.” “You never know till you try it.”

These are irresistible offers that the mavens of marketing have pitched over the years with great success.

Jesus was not into marketing the Christian way of living. Nonetheless he makes an offer to two disciples of John the Baptist that they could not turn down.

When they get curious about what following Him might look like, He simply says: “Come…and see.” (John 1:39)

They check it (Him) out. It was a successful test drive. One of them, Andrew, decides to follow Jesus as a result.

Later on in the same chapter we read that Jesus calls Philip to follow him. Philip, in turn, sings Jesus’ praises to his friend Nathaniel, who is not convinced. “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?”

Notice how Philip responds to this skeptic. No arguments. No counter-punch. No convincing apologetics needed.

He simply says: “Come and see.”

Nathaniel falls for the line, hook and sinker. He makes a move toward Jesus which leads to an encounter with Him. Another life is changed forever.

Although we live 2000+ years later, some things are still the same, aren’t they?

Even today, there are those who, like Philip, hear the gospel and choose to follow Jesus instantly.

There are those who need to hear the information and receive the invitation repeatedly before making that choice.

And then, there are those who need a test-drive, an irresistible offer.

Rather than rush someone into making a decision or worse pressure them into it, we too would be wise to follow the example of both Jesus and Philip in John 1.

It is indeed a time-tested method that the Lord uses to add members to His family with regularity.

Who can turn down an invitation to simply check out who Jesus is and what the Christian life is all about? All they have to do is hang around Him and Christians, little Christs, to see what it is like.

If they like it, they choose to follow Jesus. If not, they walk away.

All we need to do is issue the invitation. “You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.”

“Come, see.” Some saw…and followed Jesus.

How did you become a follower of Jesus? Did you need to check Him out first? Was there an irresistible offer? Please share your experiences with the rest of you DWOD family by adding your comments below.

May 18, 2013–How you treat the “Noglides”

noglide razorsIn yesterday’s DWOD, you read about how yours truly made the choice to keep a pack of noname, noglide razors that were, to put it mildly, unpredictable.

Sometimes the razor would leave a cut behind, sometimes just a nick. Other times, it would take a bit of skin with it or leave a scrape as a memento.

It was not pretty.

Surprisingly, I did not have the heart to simply return to vendor.

Blame it on Indian frugality. Or credit it to Christian compassion.

Either way, the razors stayed.

How do you make the best of this not-so-good situation? The Brain went to work. It was quite obvious that the thickness of the facial hair was a tad too much for the thin blades to handle. Hence the nicks, cuts, bruises and scrapes.

Soooo, how does one match the thinness of the hair to the blades? Aha!

Enter the little-used electric razor, a birthday gift dating back circa 2006 A.D. Here is the solution spit out by The Brain.

Let electric razor mow down as much of the stubble as possible on a couple of quick passes. Then apply the thin blades of the manual razor to the leftover thin layer.

Voila! Now you have a close shave. Bonus…you get to keep and use the mediocre razors.

Noglides saved. Dollars too 🙂

That, beloved DWOD subscriber, is how the noglides ended up getting used…every last one of them.

Holy Spirit used this incident to remind me of the mandate the Father has given us to “strengthen the feeble hands, steady the knees that give way…” (Isaiah 35:3)

The apostle Paul translates the metaphorical into the practical when he writes in Romans 15:1-2: “Those of us who are strong and able in the faith need to step in and lend a hand to those who falter, and not just do what is most convenient for us. Strength is for service, not status. Each one of us needs to look after the good of the people around us, asking ourselves, ‘How can I help?’” (The Message)

A quote that is attributed to Mahatma Gandhi, Winston Churchill, Harry Truman and Pope John Paul II among others goes like this: “The greatness of a nation is measured by how it treats its weakest members.”

In his parable of the sheep and the goats (Matthew 25:31-46), Jesus surprises the nations on Judgment Day by pointing out how it was He they chose to serve or not serve when they encountered the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick and the imprisoned.

“Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
Conversely, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.”

Then He shocks everyone by saying that the latter group “will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”

Wow! That is how significant it is for us to ensure that the “weakest members” among us are not neglected.

Who is the “noglide” in your life that you are called to support? Who is the “weak” one whose hands and knees you are called to strengthen? Who is the “least of these” that you are called to serve?

May I suggest that one critical way in which the greatness of a follower of Jesus can be measured is by how we treat the noglides in our midst.

Ditto for the Church. Your business. Your family. Your city. And yes, even your country.

May 17, 2013–The Proglide vs the Noglide

ProglideIt is a decision that every clean-shaven man must make from time to time: Which razor do I buy?

Faced with a plethora of options, for the most part, yours truly has only permitted “pull-type” manual razors to remove the stubble, with disposables being the preferred sub-category.

There has been great diversity among these chosen few as well—razors with pivoting heads and no pivots, varying number of blades, brands ranging from nonames to industry leaders. One cannot be accused of prejudice.

With such a clean reputation at stake, it should not surprise you to hear that a relatively unknown brand known as “Selection” made the cut not that long ago.

The delight of trying out a hitherto unknown razor turned to dismay shortly after the first use, though. It was painfully obvious that this brand would not measure up to the standards of its predecessors.

Should they be returned for a refund or endured till the bitter end? That was the moral dilemma. Mercy triumphed over judgment, if only by a close shave 🙂

The main consequence of this choice was learning how to cope with the unpredictability of every razor.

Would it result in a cut if I applied a few more ergs of force to remove stubborn stubble on the chin today…or not?
Would it take the skin off my face today as it did yesterday…or leave it intact as it did two days ago?
Would this one last a week as did the one from last week or just a few days as did the one three weeks ago?

You get the picture? I simply could not shave with confidence. These razors seemed to put me on the, er, edge.

Enter the Gillette Proglide Fusion with Power. Five blades “with thinner, finer edges and advanced low-resistance coating, enabling the blades to cut effortlessly through hair with less tug and pull.”
Microchip on the handle. Battery power. Lubricating strip.
You name it. It had it.

Quite a stark contrast to the NoName Noglide, wouldn’t you say?

From the very first shave, it was rather evident that this was one special specimen. I could let it glide effortlessly all over the contours of my face with impunity.
No fear of cuts, scrapes and/or bruises. No skin off any part of the human anatomy.

The confidence of holding this hair-removing machine in my hand was incredible compared to the antsy anxiety aroused by the NoName Noglide.

One of the greatest hindrances to advancing into our destiny is lack of confidence. In God. In ourselves. In others.

More often than not the lack of confidence stems from previous experiences which have produced mental hurt, physical harm, emotional pain, abandonment or some other undesirable consequence.

Then comes an encounter with God—as a loving Father who can be trusted always, as the Risen Son who has overcome every obstacle including death, as Holy Spirit pulsating with power to heal, deliver, restore.

That gives rise to a Proglide confidence, such as that expressed by the apostle Paul in I Timothy 1:12: “Yet I am not ashamed, for I know him whom I have believed, and I am persuaded that he is able to guard that which I have committed to him against that day.”

When you begin to understand that your confidence is from Christ alone, the road to destiny turns Proglide.

You are raring to go, eager to risk, ready to plow through anything that is in your path.

Dear DWOD friend, how would you rate your confidence level today?
Noglide? Proglide? Somewhere in between?

I pray that as you sing along with this powerful song, you will allow Jesus to crescendo your confidence level. (The lyrics are available here).

May 16, 2013–“Peace-ing” it all together

sathiya singing

(Be blessed by this post by guest blogger Sathiya Sam)

For probably 2 or maybe 3 years now, I’ve been extremely keen on the topic of peace. I had a season where no matter where in the Bible I was reading, peace always came up.  On more than one occasion, someone has prophesied over me that I carry peace with me and am a peacemaker.

Peace is an interesting topic, because no one ever views it as a bad thing; we obviously value it. A lot of people would say that if there was one thing they want, it is peace on earth. No more war, no more violence, no more corruption, etc.  Who wouldn’t say yes to that?

In heaven, if peace had substance it would be the oxygen. There’s peace everywhere. Heaven doesn’t exist without it.

In Matthew 10, when Jesus sends out the disciples, He tells them to release their peace when they enter a home and see if it returns. I believe that we all contain a peace inside of us that longs to be released. The source of this is the Holy Spirit, the most heavenly thing in us!

The Greek word for “peace” is eiréné. One of its definitions is “to join, to tie together into a whole.”

A major part of peace is keeping it together, or keeping it in one whole, when something tries to break you apart into pieces.

The reality is that on earth we won’t be free of all the antagonists of peace, but it doesn’t mean that we can’t have peace in the face of our antagonists.

Circumstances bring stress into our lives: bills have to be paid, courses need to be passed, medical appointments have to be made, relationships need to be maintained and repaired, unexpected tragedies happen, life-changing decisions have to be made, etc.; all of these are a part of life. Not to mention the attacks that come spiritually and psychologically–often these are major stressors in our lives. Yet peace can thrive in these situations!

So how do we get it? It’s actually more a question of how do we release it? (Remember you already have it inside of you). Philippians 4:6-7 says: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” 

We all know that thanksgiving is a good thing, but I feel like it’s underrated. Thanksgiving is important for releasing the peace of God because when we give thanks, it shifts our focus to our abundance and away from our lack. A simple reminder of how God has provided for you in the past is really all it takes for you to trust Him for it again.

“The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” (Rev 19:10). There’s something about us telling ourselves who God is and knowing what He wants to do in our trials that releases peace. And where peace is, His Presence is.

The world tells us that peace is when things get taken away and removed. God tells us that peace is when everything is together and whole.

So wherever you find stress, take a minute to search out things within the circumstance/person/situation to be thankful for, and release your peace.

Watch God’s peace that surpasses all understanding keep everything whole, because ultimately, peace is not an absence, but a Presence.

(Sathiya Sam is an anointed singer/songwriter, who serves as worship leader at Morgan’s Point United Church, Wainfleet. He also happens to be the son of Jeeva and Sulojana Sam)

May 15, 2013–The Shepherd is also A Sheep

sheep-following shepherd“My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.” (John 10:27).

On Monday of this week, Sulojana and I were at a “Growth Day” for pastors and ministry leaders organized by Open Bible Faith Fellowship (OBFF).

George Woodward, the Secretary/Treasurer of OBFF was trying to get all the attendees back into the sanctuary following a refreshment break. Not everyone was heeding his pleas.

Spotting the frustration on his wife Marilyn’s face, I quipped: “It is not easy to herd a flock of shepherds, is it?”

That is when she came back with these words: “The shepherd is also a sheep.”

The profundity of what she said did not strike me until much later when I had some time for reflection.

There are times in my life when I get so caught up in the duties and responsibilities of “ministry” that I fail to make time to minister to the Lord by simply sitting at His feet.

Yes, I am a shepherd, but I remain forever a sheep who needs to listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd on a regular basis in order to be a good shepherd to my flock.

Jesus did not say: “My shepherds hear my voice.” He said: “My sheep hear my voice.” Hello?

“Shepherd” is your title. “Sheep” is your identity.

You may have heard it said that the greatest teachers are also the greatest students. They never stop learning. The more they learn, the better they teach.

One of the healthiest churches in our area that is known for raising and releasing leaders in great numbers has a very interesting small group philosophy.

Simply put, every small group leader is also part of another small group where they are not the leader. Usually this group is led by a pastor.

In other words, while they continue to serve as shepherds of their own flocks, they are simultaneously sheep in their pastor’s pen.

They never stop listening. They are forever growing….and leading!

Dear DWOD friend, on your journey to your God-given destiny, you too will be entrusted with responsibility for the lives of others in positions of leadership.

You may not be in pastoral leadership as a shepherd. You may be in a position of leadership in business, in your workplace, in your home, in your school, in politics, in your community.

As the favour of the Lord shines upon you, you will find yourself being promoted and being raised up to greater levels of responsibility.

You may even turn out to be the acknowledged Shepherd of your tribe.

When you realize that the Shepherd is also a Sheep, you will place yourself in a posture of listening to and learning from the Good Shepherd himself, Jesus, our Lord. Always.

After all, Jesus, though He was called Master and Lord by His disciples, still took time to listen to His Father. Yes, He was the Good Shepherd, but He was also a sheep who kept in constant touch with His Shepherd. Wow!

Can we do any less?

May 14, 2013–Know Your Armour

know your armour“David fastened on his sword over the tunic and tried walking around, because he was not used to them. ‘I cannot go in these,’ he said to Saul, ‘because I am not used to them.’ So he took them off.” (1 Samuel 17:39).

David, the young shepherd boy, heard the challenge from the Philistines to send someone to fight Goliath. No one volunteered to fight except David.

King Saul reluctantly agreed and offered David his armour. David put on the weighty equipment, but quickly concluded he could not fight in this heavy armour. He gave it back to king Saul.

God equips each of us in such a way that is unique to our strengths and abilities. David knew who he was and who he wasn’t.

David was trained as a shepherd to use another weapon. For David, it was a slingshot. David showed great maturity in realizing he could not be effective with Saul’s armour.

What are the gifts and talents God has given to you? Have you ever tried to accomplish a task with tools you were not trained to use?

God allows each of us to develop skills that are unique to our life. He will not call you to use someone else’s tools.

However, this is only half of the equation. These talents must be mixed with faith.

Talent alone is not enough. Faith alone is not enough. It is only when the two are combined that God’s power is released and manifested in the physical realm.

Sometimes we admire the talents of others and seek to emulate them. The temptation arises to be someone we are not. This is a mistake. Let God live His life through the unique you.

Then, mix your unique gifts with faith today; you will be surprised at the power of God that will be manifested.

(Reprinted by permission from the author. Os Hillman is an international speaker and author of 15 books on workplace calling. To learn more, visit

May 13, 2013–One Radical Mama

Judy(Note from Pastor Jeeva: This is an excerpt from Darren Canning’s book Fire Script. As I read this riveting account of Pastor Darren’s attempted suicide, I was deeply moved by his mother Judy’s faith…I know you will be too!)

“Finally one night I called my mother, who was living in St. John’s, Newfoundland. I started to cry as I told her that my life was at an end and the only alternative I saw was to kill myself.

I was very serious with her. I told her that I was calling her to say goodbye and for her to forgive me and try to understand why I was making the decision that I was making.

My mother tells the story that when she heard this, she saw two alternatives: one was that she could call the police and try to have them get there before I died. Or she could turn to God and ask Him to deliver me.

She said the second alternative hit her spirit so hard. She began to dance and sing to the Lord: “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.”

My mom is a radical believer in God. She had many dreams and visions from the Lord confirming that He had a plan for her life, for her children’s lives and for her grandchildren’s lives.

As she danced that night, I believe God heard her prayer. What occurred next was the answer to her prayers.

I had thought of many ways to end it, but the one that had concluded upon was to hang myself within my closet. I found some old wired cable that is used for cable TV. I found a strong beam within the closet that I wrapped the cord around. I tested to see if it would hold my weight…

I got down on my knees, put the cord around my neck and started to lean forward. I remember starting to black out and I could see stars.

But in that dark place, I heard God’s most glorious voice speak to me on the inside. He said: “What are you doing? I have a plan for your life.”

Now let me emphasize something to you for a moment. I didn’t believe in God. I was an atheist/agnostic who didn’t believe in a loving God, but here was this voice speaking to me with the greatest of compassion.

This confused me, but I was resolved to die, so I started to lean forward on the cord again. I started to black out again and the same voice spoke saying, “What are you doing? I have a plan for your life.”

In this last moment of my life when I had completely given up on God, He chose to speak to me.”

We praise God for your life and your example, Judy Hodge-Collins. You are one radical mama!

(To read the rest of Pastor Darren’s incredible life story, please pick up a copy of Fire Script here)

May 12, 2013–The Battle of all Mothers

separation-anxiety-zoom“How do I get comfortable with the idea of leaving my baby with sitters — family members as well as qualified strangers? I’m okay when she’s with my husband; anyone else and I’m a wreck. This isn’t great for my peace of mind, plus I’m sure it’s VERY annoying for the sitters, as I’m calling home practically every half-hour to make sure the baby is still breathing.”

This question, asked by a new mother on an online forum, brought back memories of the day when Leone Simington, our neighbour in Kincaid, Saskatchewan, offered to look after Priya, our firstborn, so Sulojana and I could enjoy chicken wings in nearby Meyronne.

We were horrified at the thought of leaving our little bundle of joy with her, even though she was a certified practising grandma! Off we went, baby in tow.

Several years down the road, when Sulojana would drop Sathiya off at Play School, he would cry and cry. Then he would stand between the blinds and the window and continue crying as she drove off.

It was tough not to let his separation anxiety affect her.

(Later on, we would learn that as soon as Sulojana left, he would stop crying and start participating in the activities of the day…the stinker!)

A few years later, Sulojana and I were at a Conference in Orlando, Florida, when we received word that Jaya had to be hospitalized for an attack of the rota virus. Do we get on a plane and fly right back?

“No” said the attending doctor. “He’ll be fine. Just enjoy the rest of your time there.”

It wasn’t easy to stay on for three more days, but we did…and he was indeed fine.

Over the years, we have met many mothers who have had great difficulty letting their children out of their reach. Some, being gripped by fear of what could happen in their absence, turned out to be overbearing moms who ended up creating emotional problems for themselves and their children.

The Bible records how Samuel’s mother Hannah fulfilled a vow she had made before his birth by leaving him with Eli at the temple. Scholars suggest that he was no more than three when this separation took place.

How were you able to do this, Hannah? Here is her answer:

“I have dedicated him to God. He’s dedicated to God for life.” (I Samuel 1:28)

In Hannah’s words lies the key to overcoming separating anxiety. She simply surrenders her son to God’s purposes for his life. Now she can be at peace.

Sharon Wetzel, a DWOD subscriber, talks about how one of her sons once left home under stressful circumstances. No one had any idea where he was.

While his siblings tried frantically to find him, she simply prayed: “God, he is yours.”

That simple prayer of surrender helped her stay calm until he came home.

Just a few short years ago, Priya ran into a very stressful situation while teaching English in South Korea. I was contemplating the possibility flying there to get her out of the country.

The Lord told us to simply declare Psalm 91over her. That would be our act of surrender.

Sure enough, her circumstances changed. She would go on to spend another four years there before coming home for good earlier this week.

Yes, separation anxiety is a battle that all mothers face, but it is not limited to mothers, amen?

No matter what it is, we too would do well to follow Hannah’s example and simply turn our “babies” over to God. Amen?