July 07, 2013–Learning to Endure

Darren casualFor when God made a promise to Abraham, because He could swear by no one greater, He swore by Himself, saying, “Surely blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply you.”  And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise. (Hebrews 6:13-15)

To learn to endure through life is one of the assets that can make us the most successful in this life.  We must endure to hear God’s voice and when we have heard it we must endure in what he said until it comes to pass.

There are days that you may feel like quitting.  I have felt that way – even recently.  If the point of life is just to do then doing can become very boring very quickly.

God speaks many promises over our lives.  Sometimes I wonder if I even understand the words that he has spoken.  The promises are both marvellous and scary at the same time.  To walk into the promises can be disheartening especially in the face of the giants in the land, but if we do not walk into them we will never obtain and obtaining them is the goal of life.

Some days it can feel like you are walking in the wilderness.  I don’t know if you have ever done this but when you are in the wild outdoors every corner can look the same.  And when you don’t know how many corners there are until you reach your goal it can be overwhelming and you can even feel like quitting.

There are seasons and times that I am very excited about the journey and then there are times that I feel like I have achieved very little.  This usually happens to me when I compare myself to my peers.  Sometimes when I see what others have accomplished it seems like I have accomplished very little.  When I see who my friends have achieved it overwhelming because I don’t feel like I have achieved what they have achieved.

Enduring in these times and hearing the voice of God is crucial because when God speaks it so refreshing.  Even now I long for a drop of the water of life.  His word is life and when I hear it, it becomes strength to my bones.

God’s word over your life has the ability to bring you down the road many miles.  We learn to endure through many obstacles because of the sound of it in our hearts and in our minds.

Usually when I realize that I have been walking in heaviness or turmoil I come to understand that I have walked away from the voice of God and into the voice of my own heart or the enemy’s voice.  The enemy is ferocious and destroying and his words over my life are heavy.

When the realization comes that God has a good word for my life, hope starts to return to me because in that moment I put myself into a place of hearing His word again.

May you always remember this as you advance toward your destiny.