Aug. 05, 2013–The Three Storms

storm(Be blessed by this post by guest blogger Lance Wallnau)

There are 3 storms you will encounter–The storm God sends, the storm that bad decisions create and the storm the enemy sends!

Each one is navigated differently.

The storm GOD SENDS is intense but designed to get you to the other side larger and more liberated than you ever would have been had you avoided the sea and played it safe. God sent a storm to chase Jonah out of resistance and into the perfect will of God in Nineveh, the very place he was avoiding. (Jonah 1:4) (and the fish spat him up–on location).

From the belly of the great fish Jonah cried: “those who regard worthless IDOLS forsake their own mercy.” An idol is something keeping you from God’s greater thing–His mercy. His undeserved blessing. An idol is anything you love more than God.

Many a storm is sent to break a hidden attachment from your life. It may be the fear of man, an addiction or a person or influence that does not belong there. The idol is almost always seeking something more than what pleases the Lord. Jonah made his own agenda greater than God’s. He was delivered when he yielded, and the entire time he was in distress, the fish was taking him to his destiny.

The storm of BAD DECISIONS may be choices you made or others made that affected you. Paul was nearly drowned in a decision made by others to sail when they should have stayed in harbour. Many Christians are downright frustrated with the choices of leaders in Government because they know the end result will be loss of cargo (economic) and the very ship of state (shipwreck.) Paul however prayed and fasted till an angel got involved and the ship was rerouted to an island where Paul took over…and made it safe to Rome. Adding new territory that wasn’t even in the original plan. (Acts 27:9)

God will overrule bad decisions to bring forth wisdom and get you where you need to be. Look at how Solomon the wisdom child of David came forth out of the disastrous decision David made to sleep with Bathsheba.

The storm you create becomes a storm God is in once you let Him take over the ship.

The storm the devil sends is an ATTACK that is designed to stop you, overthrow you and destroy God’s purpose for your life. When Jesus was with the disciples a great storm arose that threatened their lives. As experienced fishermen this was a type of storm they had never encountered before. Jesus arose and REBUKED the manifestation in the wind and the sea and there was an immediate calm. (Mt 8:26) Disease, financial attack, theft, violence are all works of hell.

Jesus challenged his disciples “Where is your FAITH?” The thought of their ship sinking while Christ was on board provoked Him to challenge what they were focusing on. He told them “Let’s go to the other side.” His Word was sufficient to give them leverage over the devil.

Find the Word God is giving you in your satanic assault and speak to the situation as Jesus talked to the wind and the waves. He talked to things, to trees that did not produce and to spirits invisible to the human eye. Thoughts are “things” when they take on the power of fear. Speak what God says and watch heaven back up your utterance.

GOD IS ON BOARD IN EVERY STORM and each one will BE MADE TO fulfill God’s Word over your life! “Fire, and hail; snow, and vapor; stormy wind fulfilling his word (Ps 148:8). The Holy Spirit knows the way through every storm–and He is on the inside of you. Hence God CAN NEVER LEAVE you nor forsake you to the stormy elements.

All 3 storms are common to man, but you, my friend, are an uncommon vessel. What you come through becomes a testimony to others. You are a storm-riding child of the Most High God.

(Dr. Lance Wallnau is a world-class trainer and consultant whose students span the globe. From bestselling authors, pastors, and billion dollar CEO’s, he has helped to transform the lives of thousands. Please check out his resources at