Aug. 12, 2013–The Pearl of Great Price

Pearl-of-great-Price“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.” (Matthew 13:45-46)

There is a place in the Spirit of God that is pure feeling.  It is a place that cannot be adequately described but only felt. 

When I was a boy, the Holy Spirit often visited me and this feeling of His presence would come upon me. There was nothing like it.  It never lasted long, and I wasn’t even aware of the feeling being linked to the presence of God, but there was such sweet feeling within it that when it left, I felt completely lost.

Such feeling of God is what causes a man to pursue Him with all of his heart.

I remember when I first returned to the path of Christ at 32, after spending many years as an agnostic and evil man, there was a moment when I set my heart on pilgrimage that God’s presence manifested in such a wonderful manner.  All my shame and guilt was lost in the purity of His presence.

I remember that moment so vividly.  I remember this awe and wonder that came over me.  It stayed with me and lingered for many days.  Everywhere I went, this feeling of holiness and purity went with me.  It is like a pure inner peace and knowledge that everything would be alright with the world.  It was the true spirit of peace.

I have sought to describe this feeling many times.  It is enough to say that this is none other than the presence of God within my heart.  It is what carries me through the difficult days–the days that are lonely and difficult, the days when men are men and see nothing good inside of you.

When I have been abandoned by the world around me, I am still in this place of His presence.  In fact the more alone I feel at times the more powerful this feeling of His presence becomes.  I don’t long to be persecuted by men, but when it does occur, God’s presence does come strong.

I remember thinking that this feeling would never end when I first encountered it.  It was eternity in my heart.  I remember the excitement of the knowledge that I would be wrapped in such purity for all of eternity, that sorrow would not always grip me but only this inner contentment, joy and light.

This is a real place I am describing.  If you have not experienced it, I pray now that God will consume you with it completely.

I pray that you will have an encounter with the spirit of purity and holiness, that God would come and wrap His arms around you and show you His excellence and goodness in such a manner. 

There is nothing like God’s presence.  It is the only thing worth pursuing.  It is the pearl of great price found in the field that is worth selling all that you have to go and buy.