Sept. 12, 2013–Move Over, Move Forward

12873098-business-people-sitting-in-a-row-at-seminarWalk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble. (Proverbs 13:20)

Last night, as I was seeking the Lord for a word for a newcomer to our Activate! Evening at Forks Road East United Church, He showed me a picture of her sitting on a bench/pew seated between two women. Then she stood up from her spot, turned to her left, took a few steps and sat between two other women.

I sensed the Lord saying that the move she was called to make was not from an evil to a good spot, but from a good to a God-spot. I also sensed that when she moved over, she would start moving forward into her destiny.

This vision got me wondering about whether at least some of you, our beloved DWOD subscribers, are experiencing delays in reaching your destiny simply by where you are seated right now.

To be more precise, by who you are seated with, the company you are keeping, the people around whom you are hanging.

God places a high value on where we sit and with whom.

Remember this verse? Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers… (Psalm 1:1)

In I Corinthians 15:33, the apostle Paul quotes what was likely a common proverb known to his readers: Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”

We have usually seen these verses as being applicable to those who are openly leading sinful lives. We refer to those hanging around the “wrong crowd” and getting addicted to alcohol, drugs, pornography, violence, etc.

Needless to say when you wilfully choose to violate God’s laws, you are putting the brakes on advancing toward your destiny. If you are somehow still caught up in any of these sinful behaviours and patterns, then you need to do something about it right away, so you can be set free from their grip.

But the Lord was making me aware of a danger that is a bit more subtle than that. This tends to affect those who have already made a conscious choice to follow Him, yet still continue to place themselves in spots where their company inhibits them from becoming all they can be.

Sometimes it may not seem that significant, but even hanging around another group of Christians who are always putting others down and passing judgment on everyone else can hold you back from moving forward into your destiny.

Keeping such company brings pride into your spirit. “Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit precedes a fall.” (Proverbs 16:18) Doesn’t sound like you’re going to make much progress with pride, are you?

Some may lead you to believe (mistakenly) that you can continue to sin, because it’s all been taken care of at the cross. Or you may be hanging around “good people” who have no obvious vices, but their thought process may be mixed with New Age philosophy which exalts the self to the status only God deserves.

Get the picture?

Dear DWOD friend, could the Holy Spirit be calling you today to change seats? Ask Him to show you if you need to get up from where you are and go to where you need to be. Then will you please move over and move forward toward your divine destiny?

I hope so. I pray so.