Nov. 10, 2013–Kingdom Finances

You kingdom financesdo not have because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures. (James 4:2-3)

There are lots of people who want God to bless them so that they might have the things that people have in the world.  “Please God, bless me with a car like my friend has” or “Please God, give me a house with 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms in the nicest part of town.”

Well, why would God do that?  He can see the motivations of our heart.  He knows our motivations better than we do.  Covetous prayers do not get heard.

The better way to pray and receive is to ask God what He wants and then ask Him for the abundance to be able to do what he says.

I know people who are waiting for a cheque in the mail, or for someone to drop a lot of money in their hands but they don’t really know why they want it.  They are even praying that it will happen.  These prayers never worked well for me, although if someone wanted to drop a lot of money in my hands I probably would still take it, unless of course, God told me not to.

The most important thing is to please our God, so my prayer becomes: “Show me what you would want me to do.”  When He shows me I understand the course that I am to take.

My bank account does not stop me from doing the things that God has called me to do.  I step out in the things He shows me and provision follows.  He knows what He wants me to do and is pleased to give me the resources I need to do it.

In essence, my money does not determine my course but my course determines my money.

I look at the Kingdom as a place where I can make many investments and I am always asking God where He would have me invest.

The other night I had a dream.  In it I saw a well-known minister.  When he came up to me I said, “Oh yes, I owe you $500.00.  I will get that to you as soon as I can.”  When I woke up, I realized the Lord was showing me what He wanted me to do with my money.

I will be honest with you, I don’t actually have that money in my bank account right now, but I do know that money will come for me to invest and it will be soon.  I know that when I pray asking for this money it will come because I believe by faith that God showed me that He wants me to sow it into this man’s ministry.

I actually get excited when this sort of thing happens because I know that if God wants me to sow then I am going to reap something as well.  It might be money, but my hope is that it will be a portion of the anointing that this man operates under, which is much more exciting to me.

I pray that God will download to you a greater understanding of Kingdom finances today.  I ask the Lord to rain down abundance upon you today and to meet all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).

Nov. 09, 2013–Your Chapter in Your Story

New chapter(Guest blogger Lance Wallnau releases the DWOD for Nov. 09, 2013…be blessed!)

“I am the God of your father–the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.”(Exodus 3:6)

Thus began the conversation between God and the chosen vessel Moses. It is almost as though God were viewing three generations as present with Him while He speaks.

Come to think of it, this IS what is happening in that moment. Jesus quoted this verse to prove the reality of the resurrection saying, “He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive.” (Luke 20:38) God has the past and future of your lineage in mind as He talks to you.

This means that God is the God of a BIGGER story than the chapter you and I occupy.

Baby boomers (my generation) often obsess about our lives as though Heaven has to perform every promise ever spoken to us and through us in OUR lifetime. I had a somewhat shocking thought today…what if God does not see Himself as limited to fulfilling all He spoke to you and me through us alone? What if he intends to do much of this through your children and grandchildren?

If you are a second generation Christian, you are an Isaac fulfilling in some measure the promise God gave the Abraham who was before you. You think it’s all about you? It’s largely about Abraham. I’ve often suspected that some of my children will complete the missed potential of my own calling. But I am the Abraham in my family line (or so I think…but who knows?)

If you’re a third generation believer, you are the Jacob completing the promise to Isaac and great Grandpa and Grandma Abraham and Sarah. And JOSEPH? He’s working out the promises given to Abraham as his great great grandson.

Here’s a brain burner (at least for me). In the resurrection all those characters will be alive as contemporaries with new bodies looking approximately 30 years of age. They will have comprehensive knowledge of the others’ journey, consecration, failures and contribution to each other and the kingdom.

We feel like the story is all about us, but we got written into somebody else’s story. This does not diminish your value or uniqueness, but it does put your life into perspective, doesn’t it?

God was at work before you and I arrived and will no doubt be showing His prophetic faithfulness to us through the story He tells in the lives of our offspring.

Let us live our lives with such intensity and advance the kingdom so powerfully that we take out enemies our children and theirs will never have to fight. Then in the age to come, our offspring will rise up and call us blessed.

(Dr. Lance Wallnau is a world-class trainer and consultant whose students span the globe. From bestselling authors, pastors, and billion dollar CEO’s, he has helped to transform the lives of thousands. Please check out his resources at