Whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light; and what you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops. And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. (Matthew 10:27-28)
As you move forward toward your destiny, you will hear many things in the spirit. Learning to speak these things is a matter between you and God. When I look at the life of Christ, it didn’t seem that He had much fear when speaking against the lies and strongholds over the lives of the religious leaders of His time. He learned to speak in the face of great opposition.
As you begin to proclaim the gospel truth, there will be a temptation to say only what you think people will want to hear. Inside of every person there is a need to be accepted. When this is pointed toward people, you will likely become very double-minded in the things that you say because you will say whatever you think they want to hear in order to please them.
But if your heart is pointed toward the Lord and you fear Him alone, then you will speak the words that He wants you to speak, even when you might be opposed by those that are listening.
I am not talking about being controversial for controversy’s sake. I am talking about speaking words of life into hearts that might not want to receive them. I am talking about speaking against the mountains and lies that keep people from God and trapped in sin. I am talking about coming against the puzzles and lies over others’ hearts that keep them from the living God.
I recently heard someone apologize in a meeting for the sale of a product for a very low price. I discerned that there was a spirit of poverty working in the lives of these people. So when I preached, I came against the spirit of poverty and taught on the very generosity of God.
In other meetings I know that some people are opposed to the signs and wonders that are occurring in our meetings, and so I preach against the spirit that would oppose what God is doing.
We must use the word of God to break the lies. If someone says God cannot heal, we must teach from the word that He can. If someone says that signs and wonders are dead, then we use the word to show that they are in fact very much alive.
As we proclaim the truth of God’s word, He will back us up with signs and wonders following. In this way we will open people up to what God is doing in our time.
I have seen people who were filled with doubt come into belief as we have preached what God has put on our hearts to preach.
I challenge you today to step out in the voice of God and ask Him to show you what to say. Great fruitfulness will come to you as you live your life this way.
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