Dec. 09, 2013–The Fields are White for Harvest

 white unto harvestMany prophetic voices have been declaring that we are entering a season of harvest in the Kingdom such as weve never seen before. Our prophet friend Peter Kumar declared back in April of this year what he had heard from the Lord: Millions of people were receiving Jesus as Saviour and Lord in Canada.


More recently, Sarah Maynard of had this to say: When we did the Awakened Prayer school in Cambridge, (in September), there was an intense anointing on calling prayer for the harvest. We were ministering into the vision of millions of souls coming to Christ in the nationPrayer in the nation is powerfully shifting towards the harvestI’m seeing it everywhere.


Frankly, those words were hard to believe. MILLIONS OF SOULS COMING TO CHRIST. IN CANADA, YOU SAY?


We could believe for millions in China or India or other densely populated part of the world. But surely not here in sparsely populated Canada!


Holy Spirit has been convicting me for quite some time now that one of the reasons we have not seen such huge harvests in Canada is simply because we Christians have not believed it was possible here. Mea culpa 🙁


We have seen the rise of secularism, atheism and pluralism over the past few decades. Absolute truth is not exactly well-received in our society. Our public education system does not want any reference to God in the classroom. Scandals within the Church have dimmed our witness considerably. All of these have contributed to unbelief in many Christians that we can effectively bring large numbers of souls to Christ in such a milieu.


Needless to say we do not decree what we do not believe.


But, as we saw on Day 1 of our Fast, our Father is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.(2 Peter 3:9)


In the very early days of His earthly ministry, when there were no more than a handful following Him faithfully, Jesus makes this incredible statement: Lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest.(John 4:35)


Jesus asks his disciples to focus on the unlimited potential that lay before them, not the uninspiring state of the present. Great words of encouragement for us as well, amen?


In Matthew 9:37-38, Jesus tells us what we need to do for this harvest to be brought into the Kingdom: The harvest truly is plentiful, but the labourers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His harvest.


He asks us to pray that He will send labourers into His harvest. Our task is not to recruit. Our task is to pray the He will move the recruits to get into the fieldswow!


That is what we are doing in Decree # 9 today: THE FIELDS ARE WHITE FOR HARVEST & THE LABOURERS ARE PLENTIFUL.


You may also add this related decree that jibes with Jesus words in Matthew 28:19: AND WE ARE MAKING DISCIPLES OF THE NATIONS.