Jan. 03, 2014–Do not sabotage your destiny with unforgiveness, devouring words and insincerity

enlows(Be blessed by this DWOD for Jan. 03, 2013 by guest contributor Johnny Enlow)

Right now unforgiveness (offense holding, bitterness, unreleased judgments) are rampant in the Body of Christ and it must stop. No matter what level of grace message you are being fed and strengthened by at this time, if it does not hold you accountable for refusing to forgive then it is subgrace.

You can believe and declare over yourself all sorts of great things but they will all be sabotaged if you refuse to forgive. Nobody who truly needs to be forgiven deserves to be forgiven- so if you are waiting for your ‘prey’ to deserve your forgiveness – it is still unforgiveness.

If as you are reading this, a person or situation comes to mind then radically deal with it now. Sometimes it is appropriate to go to the person, sometimes it is not. Let the Holy Spirit lead how – but release your own destiny by forgiving.

What do I mean by “devouring words”? It is what actually happens when you give yourself over to negative conversation. Life and death is in the power of the tongue and you just cannot keep speaking out loud words that actually devour your harvest, your inheritance, and your destiny.

If you already know that negativity notoriously comes out of your mouth this is a SELAH year for you. Just be silent. Don’t agree with anything destructive that comes from anyones mouth or email. If there is a true warning to be aware of, it will come with a built-in hope.

I have been shown that one of the main attributes that the Lord is looking for is simple sincerity. In John 1:47, Jesus praised a man named Nathanael, calling him a man “in whom is no guile”. In John 4:23, Jesus talked about the Father looking for “true worshippers”. Both of these speak of authentic heart responses that did not carry other subtle motives or agendas.

The word SINCERE itself is said to derive from the practice of ancient pottery making. SIN means without and CERE means wax. Often when potters would bake their vessel, cracks would show up that would greatly devalue the vessel or render it of no value. Potters would fill the cracks with wax and paint over it to cover up the defect. If a Corinthian pottery shop had over it SINCERUS it meant that the pottery contained no wax and that what you saw is what you were getting. This made the pottery valuable.

The message here is “get rid of the wax”. Especially the wax around your heart. You, yourself, are the best judge of your own sincerity. If you are aware that you are not transparently living out of your heart – but rather out of agenda- then do business with God and become a sincere person.

It can be difficult in such a tough, cynical, agenda-driven world, but we must become as little children in this way. He wants to give the kingdom to His hopeful, radiant, sincere, non-grudge holding children.

For 2014 may you take full advantage of what He is making available to us by not sabotaging your own awesome destiny. He really doesn’t need you to be perfect, and He just wants you to extend that same grace to others.

Now prepare to be catapulted.

(Johnny Enlow is the author of The Seven Mountain Prophecy and The Seven Mountain Mantle among others. He and his wife Elizabeth are passionate about the need to transform culture, and to awaken not only Christians to this new way of thinking, but also helping those who may not feel close to God change their perspective of who they think He is and His true heart towards them. This DWOD is an excerpt from a lengthier word for 2014 posted at: http://johnnyandelizabeth.com/category/media/)