Feb. 16, 2014–Rise Up by Raising Up

franchise modelAnd He went up on the mountain and called to Him those He Himself wanted. And they came to Him. Then He appointed twelve, that they might be with Him and that He might send them out to preach, and to have power to heal sicknesses and to cast out demons:. (Mark 3:13-15)

Franchising is one of the most successful models of business in the marketplace today. Yet, in its infancy, it was looked upon with suspicion by many. Ray Kroc, who launched one of the most successful of them all, McDonald’s, had trouble finding franchisees, if you can believe it.

The idea was revolutionary at the time. Ray has discovered a successful fast food restaurant model developed by the McDonald brothers. Rather than take the responsibility and the risk of building restaurants and hiring managers to run them for him, he takes a different approach. He looks for someone who would like to own a fast food restaurant. He will teach them all they need to make it successful. They pay him a franchise fee at the outset and keep on paying a small percentage of their receipts as a royalty.

Without the franchisee, Ray Kroc cannot expand his business and collect royalties. Without Ray Kroc, the franchisee cannot run a successful business and keep most of the profits.

The onus is squarely on the franchisor to help the franchisee establish a successful operation. Ray Kroc had to help others succeed first in order for him to be successful. He rises up by raising others up.

Jesus has barely launched his earthly ministry when he calls unto himself 12 disciples. They stay with him, they travel together, they watch him in action, they are privy to his public teachings as well as the private sessions where he lets them in on the mysteries of the kingdom.

Jesus is raising them up one step at a time to minister as he does. You could say that every one of the 12 were like a franchisee who had been trained by the franchisor to be successful in ministry.

To this very day, He is still collecting royalties on those He raised up—not in dollars, but in souls. He raised up the disciples so well that they were able to carry on His earthly ministry when He ascended to the right hand of the Father.

Not only that, but they also learned to raise others up. For example, Barnabas raises up Paul. Paul raises up Timothy. Timothy raises up his own leaders, who in turn raise up others. This pattern has been repeated successfully over the ages. Proof? You’re a follower of Jesus today J

Whenever you hear about the fivefold ministry, the five offices—apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher—what distinguishes these “office-holders” is the fact that they are committed to raising and releasing others to also be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. Yes, you rise up by raising others up!

Dear DWOD friend, in the world you can rise up because you know people at the top. Or because you know how to bully your way to the top. Or you are well-versed in Machiavellian tactics or manipulative techniques. Or because you possess the skill-sets and education. Or because you are married to the boss’ child J

In the Kingdom though, you rise up because you have been raising others up. No matter what line of work you may be in, no matter what kind of business you may own, within the church or in your family, you rise up by raising others up.

Do you want to rise up the proper way? Ask Holy Spirit to show you who you need to invest in and raise up. Then do exactly that. Invest your time, effort, energy and other resources into them. Show them how it’s done. As you raise them up, you will discover that your stock goes up, your value increases, you are viewed as a greater asset, and indeed, you do rise up!