March 07, 2014–Change your Words…Change your World

Mave Moyer(Be blessed by this DWOD for March 07, 2014 by guest contributor Mave Moyer)


He that keepeth his mouth keepeth his life…but he that opens wide his lips shall have destruction. (Proverbs 13:3)

Recently, the Lord kept quickening my spirit to the importance of speaking His word…and the importance of proclaiming and calling things that be not as though they were…we are His voice and we need to be decreeing His purposes and plans…

So often the devil or our own opinion or our emotions and feelings can convince us to speak what we think or “what we have” instead of realizing that we can have “what we say.” We have to “choose” to speak right things over situations and circumstances…We can in faith speak destiny over Cities and Nations as well as over our own life and the Iives of others.

Many times we much more readily access the negative realm and begin to speak carnal and faithless things. We can be so quick to say things like…”You’re never going to make it”…”You’re not good enough”….or “This is just the same old thing…nothing’s changed…”

How many times have our words discouraged and made us a judge when we should be encouraging and speaking God’s way? “You’re more than a conqueror”…”You’re an overcomer.”…and calling forth the new thing in God…that this will never be the same…that change is on the horizon…These are words of “faith” and destiny…the other ones are words of “flesh” and destruction.

God gave us a mouth to deliver ourselves…and we need to be using the tool of our tongue to our maximum benefit…When we face an unfavourable situation…we must teach our mouth to speak “right” things and respond to the situation with the right words.

When Jesus awoke on a boat to an unfavourable situation called a stormy sea, He “spoke” to the wind and waves and they heard Him…and obeyed (Mark 4:39)

Colossians 3:16 says: Let the word of God dwell in you in all its richness. We are rich in ALL things when we study and meditate on God’s word and commit it to our heart. By ourselves we cannot tame our tongue…but through God’s word and the power of Holy Spirit…we can “put pressure on” our tongue to change and tame it.

As believers we should never use our mouth to say unauthorized, unholy or negative things about ourselves or others.

As we spend time in the word every day and obey it and confess it…our words will be empowered by the Spirit to produce changes wherever they are sent. We can address situations that need a change with our words…and we can confess our way to our desired breakthrough. We can use the “tool” of our tongue to also speak destiny over others…We will NEVER hear God speak negative or hurtful things about one of His children…and neither should we…

Our words are creative…they bless or they curse…they bring death or they bring life…We will never live above the standard we set with our own mouth…

When God looked down on the earth and it was dark and void…He didn’t say that place is hopeless…it’s never, never going to be anything…there’s nothing but darkness and destruction…NO…HE spoke forth faith filled words and “commanded”…let there be light….and there was…and there still is….

When Abraham went up the mountain to worship

When The Lord asked him for Isaac his son…

He told those travelling with them:

“The lad and I will return when WE are done.”

The Shunammite woman whose son died

Moved in faith and wouldn’t tell…

When others questioned what was wrong

She said: “All is WELL.”

Mary asked “HOW” shall this be…in innocence

And Zachariah asked “HOW”…in doubt…

So the angel shut his mouth

So nothing negative could come out…

Jesus said to “speak to the mountain”

And it would be cast into the sea…

Whatever you…believe and say…

That is what…will come to be…

James said our tongue can be a dangerous fire

Or can speak blessing instead of strife

It’s up to us the way we speak…

And we bring death or life…

The things we think and the things we say will change the way we live today!!

Change your words….and change your world!!

(Reverend Mave Moyer and her husband Brother Russ Moyer are the apostolic leaders of Eagle Worldwide Ministries. Pastor Mave is an anointed teacher and preacher who moves powerfully in the gift of faith, healing, and the prophetic.)

March 06, 2014–The School of the Holy Spirit

School of the Holy Spirit(Be blessed by this DWOD for March 06, 2014 by guest contributor, Shyju Matthew)

Have you ever wondered which Bible College Moses attended? Or from where King David got his theology right? Or what school of the prophets Elijah studied at? Well, I can go on, but I am sure you are getting my point. You see, these great men of God did not get a chance to enrol in Bible schools, rather their life itself became a Bible school!

Before Moses could lead the generation of Israelites for 40 years through the desert, he himself had to go through the wilderness for 40 years.

David, after he was anointed to be the King of Israel, was led straight to the forest and caves for the next 14 years of his life. Now wait a minute–don’t people step up to the throne after they are anointed for it?

Have you read the article I wrote sometime ago on GTH where we learnt that there is no price you can pay for the anointing? Anointing is God’s appointment and overflow of His grace–no one can be worthy of God’s anointing because of the depth of the pain we go through. But the pain only prepares us to be stronger and carry God’s anointing in those moments, at the school of the Holy Spirit.

Last night, talking to a leader who was offered lot of benefits of ministry, I encouraged the young man to keep His eyes on Jesus and not the benefits. Because promotion is the last thing we children of God should be worried about.

God can snap His finger and you will be dining with the presidents. But God’s eyes are not on the reward, but in the end result of your life. He’s not interested in you getting the gift more than in shaping your character that’s going to keep your gift. While we worry about reaching the throne, God is working on keeping us on the throne.

Look at Joseph, it was “immediately” that he was in the palace with the king. But before that “immediately” came he went through years of character shaping. In that school of the Holy Spirit of trials and pressing, he learnt to trust God alone. There in that school he learnt not to exact revenge on his brothers in order to receive God’s favour.

There in his lowest and loneliest times, Joseph learnt that God was his closest companion. In the face of allegations, he renewed his mind to not be deterred. His emotions strengthened to believe in the One who had called Him. All in all, through the school of the Holy Spirit, God was preparing Joseph to be the second in command over all of Egypt.

The school of Holy Spirit is not like the cushioned chair of an esteemed university. The school of the Holy Spirit is found in the valleys of the shadows of death, loneliness, and brokenness. This school of the Holy Spirit is hidden in the caves, besides lonely streams, forests and wilderness. And there you realize what you are going through is not worrisome, because you are still in God’s hands!!!

And all that shaping and pressing and the uncomfortableness we face will all make sense when we see the other side of the mountain!

I’ll let you be with just one more line: Don’t fear the school of the Holy Spirit, embrace it, and praise His holy name for you are anointed by God for this hour!

(Born in India and presently living in Montreal, Canada, Revivalist Shyju Matthew continues to demonstrate Gods mighty Word through the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit in crusades and conferences all over the world. This post first appeared on his blog Guarding The Heart)