March 27, 2014–Only made possible by the Supernatural

Acts 11:1-30

Darren & Jeeva, Mar. 2014The supernatural elements of this chapter in the books of Acts astound me.  Just think about the interaction between man and God and how God through the use of angels caused revival to break out in a place least expected in Peter’s mind.

God confronts Peter’s mindsets regarding what is clean and unclean in a vision and as soon as he offends his mind to bring about a greater good, men come to the house where is staying to bring him among the Gentiles to preach salvation.

Moreover, these men who came to get him were led there because of another dream that took place in Cornelius’ house in which he was told by an angel to send for Peter for salvation.

And then Peter enters that region and the Holy Spirit is poured out over the Gentiles.  It is now understood that they too were born for salvation in Christ.  The only way this could have happened was through a supernatural outpouring.  The Jews were programmed to not speak to those outside their culture.  They were heathens and unclean.

There are regions where I have ministered and people I have ministered with that came about completely by supernatural occurrences.  In fact, the reason that my friend Jeeva Sam and I are friends and minister together is because of a very accurate prophetic word that the Lord gave to me for him.

In fact many of the places that I now minister in came about by a supernatural means.  Prophetic words or healings that took place that open up a greater frontier for us to minister within is the nature of the Christian life.

People will ask me how I met Jeeva and when I tell them the story you can tell that they are amazed, but it is the truth.  In those moments you are aware of a divine plan and when you come into agreement with it, then there is great fruitfulness in store for your lives.  Jeeva and I have literally ministered to hundreds of people together and seen lives touched deeply by the power of God.  For this I am truly thankful.

I have another friend that I minister with by the name of Luke Holter.  An angel kept saying his name to me one night.  That same night Luke had a dream of me and that he was speaking in my church.  We understood that God had a plan.  Luke and I have now ministered to hundreds of people together, all because God showed up in dreams and visions.

I pray that God will begin to move in your life in this exciting way.  I ask that you would have revelation of the steps that have been ordained for you and the people that you are to minister with.  May God open your eyes to see and your ears to hear in very supernatural ways.  This is not something that was just for the early church but for the church today.

And I pray that as we walk in the place that God has for our lives that this will become common for all believers.

March 26, 2014–Expect Holy Spirit to Mess you up

Day 16: Acts 10:24-48

Jeeva & Sulojana Woodvale March 2014In yesterday’s reading from Acts 10:1-23, we saw how God speaks to both Peter and Cornelius about the other. They both act in obedience. Cornelius dispatches a group to go get Peter. Peter goes, taking with him a group of Jewish believers. After exchanging pleasantries, Peter gets right to his mission.

He delivers a very simple message, introducing Jesus to this group of Gentiles. He highlights the healing ministry of Jesus. Then he mentions his death and resurrection and lets them know that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.”

Please note that Peter does not issue an altar call. He does not call for them to do anything, not even repent. But, something totally unexpected happens. While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message. The circumcised believers who had come with Peter were astonished that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out even on Gentiles. For they heard them speaking in tongues and praising God.

Holy Spirit does not wait for Peter to even call on Him to fall on them. Of course, the Gentiles had no idea of what was happening. But the Jewish believers are totally flabbergasted, because things are not taking place in their proper order.

Let’s flashback to the Day of Pentecost. Interestingly enough, Peter did not issue an altar call then either. They were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” (Acts 2:37)

Holy Spirit is once again at work, just as Jesus promised in John 16:8: “And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.” 

Remember Peter’s reply to their question: “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:38)

Notice the order. Be baptized first, then you will receive Holy Spirit.

Yet, here at Cornelius’ place, Holy Spirit falls on the Gentiles without giving Peter a heads-up, leading him to say: “Surely no one can stand in the way of their being baptized with water. They have received the Holy Spirit just as we have.”

Notice the order once again. Receive Holy Spirit first. Then be baptized.

Looks like someone forgot to inform Holy Spirit that it was supposed to be the other way around 🙂

I guess, when you’re God, you can do it in whatever order you choose to and mess up our neatly constructed theology, huh?

Recently, my spiritual father Steve Long was invited to be the “faith healer” on a show focusing on alternative methods of healing along with other panelists including a chiropractor, acupuncturist, Reiki practitioner and a naturopath.

When it was Steve’s turn, he asked for a volunteer who had pain. The co-host, Denise Donlon admitted she had back pain at that very moment. Steve then asked the other host, Conrad Black, to lay hands on her back while she repeated after him: “This healing belongs to me because of what Jesus has done. I receive my healing now in Jesus’ name.” Much to her surprise, the pain completely left Denise’s body.

You may or may not be aware of this, but Conrad Black is the former CEO of the Hollinger media conglomerate who recently spent three plus years behind bars for defrauding his investors and obstruction of justice.

Holy Spirit conveniently chooses to ignore his shady reputation and uses him to minister healing right in front of a television camera. You can watch the episode here: (around the 17 minute mark).

If Pastor Steve Long had laid hands on her, that would be one thing. But using Conman, I mean Conrad Black…ah, Holy Spirit, there you go again, messing with us. I guess we’d better get used to your ways, eh, God?