Day 2: Acts 2:1-21
This passage of scripture is probably one of the most exciting in the entire bible. When I read it I am filled with awe and wonder at the mighty work of God.
This passage says that “a sound came out of heaven, like a mighty rushing wind that filled the entire house” (Acts 2:2).
Think about the construction of this thought for a moment. It says–emphatically–that the sound originated out of heaven. There was no question in their minds. It was no man- made sound. Those who encountered it understood undeniably that the source of this wild wind was heaven itself.
This is pretty normal when it comes to encounters with the Holy Spirit. The one who encounters heaven is never the same. Doubts have a way of disappearing. Thoughts have a way of changing, especially those that are opposed to the ideas in the word of God.
This sound produces a radical shift in character and in beliefs.
“Peter stood up and raised his voice.”
Only 50 days prior he was a coward when questioned about his relationship with Christ. He denied his Lord three times. His character encountered this sound from heaven and then he begins to proclaim the gospel with power.
Paul on the road to Damascus was a hard covetous sinner. He was a murdering, legalistic Jew bent on destroying anything in the path of his holy orthodoxy, and yet when the sound came out of heaven, he was changed instantly and became a brand new man. The rest of his life he recalled that encounter to congregations, to religious leaders and to kings.
We need to pray and ask God to open the floodgates of heaven and let people experience the sound of heaven all across the earth. In fact we need to advance as the army of God into the earth, trusting the sound will meet our feet on the path toward destiny.
This is the way I go out in ministry. I know that wherever I go, the sounds of heaven will come with me.
We need to leap up like Peter and boldly proclaim the message of Christ. The sound of heaven is the message of Christ and when we proclaim it without worrying about those who might oppose it, it has a way of producing that which it was sent to do.
There are times when I preach that I simply pray: “God you better come because what I just said needs backing up with power from on high.” That is when the sounds of heaven come and people are changed from the inside out.
It is not about me, but it is about the sound that God wants to make in the earth. When we encounter it, it transforms us and we are never the same. We couldn’t even be the same if we tried.
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