July 21, 2014–The Gift of Spurring Others On

Neil BergAnd let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds…(Hebrews 10:24)

Neil Berg and I first met in 1985 when I was called to serve Rosemont United Church in Regina, Saskatchewan. I quickly discovered that he was a musician of professional calibre who played bass guitar (mostly), but was versatile enough to play rhythm and/or lead, as required.

The music at Rosemont in those days was all organ-ic. It seemed such a shame to me that we were not making room for such a talented musician in our midst to give God glory with his incredible gift.

Neil suggested that other musicians in the church get together at his place and just “jam!” His basement was loaded with professional gear—amps, speakers, a keyboard, several guitars, microphones and cords galore! Several of us took him up on the offer and started meeting regularly.

Although Neil was clearly the standout in the group, he would never hog the limelight. As a matter of fact, he delighted in shining the spotlight on the rest of the band.

I still remember the song we played during the offering when one of our Sunday morning services was broadcast on national television on “Meeting Place” a CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) program. Neil insisted that everyone in the band take turns singing one verse each of “Glory to God” (by Jim Strathdee)—even me (although I was way down the scale musically speaking)!

He just had that ability to spur the rest of us on to excellence. A few years down the road, with the addition of more musical talent, we formed a band called Crossover. Neil introduced us to such Southern Gospel classics as “Bread upon the water” which became our signature song.

When band members came up with original compositions, he was very open to having all of us learn these sophomore productions, offered suggestions and made them sound way better than we ever could on our own! Without any of us realizing it, he had raised the bar in his own gentle way.

In addition to playing at churches, Neil took the band to Seniors’ Homes, where he and the gang delighted in bringing musical refreshment to the residents. He had such a big heart and was one of the most unselfish givers I have ever met in my life. His ever-present smile and sunny disposition lit up every room he entered.

Even after we left Regina in 2003, Neil still kept in touch with us, forwarding funny and sometimes controversial e-mails and calling us from time to time. Neil could really talk, so our conversations were never marked by brevity J

We had one last chance to play together in 2012 when our family returned to Regina for a service to celebrate the ministry of Rosemont a week before it ceased to exist as a congregation.

It was just like old times! Other than a touch more grey than before, it was the same old Neil. Like fine wine, he had only improved with age. The same twinkle in the eye. The same mellifluous vocals. The same fingers making the bass guitar vibrate with virtuosity.

One of the musicians who played with us at this reunion was barely 12 years old when Neil gave him the opportunity to be on the keyboard for a song here and a song there. Spurred on by that initial encouragement, that shy young boy has since blossomed into a confident singer, songwriter and worship leader named Sathiya Sam.

Neil Berg passed away Sunday night from a brain aneurysm at the young age of 72. Sulojana, the kids and I thank God for Neil’s life, his musical gifts and other accomplishments, his service to the church and the community. I especially honour him for his gift of Spurring Others On.

“Go rest high on that mountain
Son, your work on earth is done
Go to Heaven a shoutin’
Love for the Father and the Son.”
(Vince Gill)

Dear DWOD friend, as you read these words, I pray that you too may be known as one who “spurred others on to love and good deeds.”

July 20, 2014–Hey! I know your name!

Joshua Mills with featherOn Monday, July 14, Sulojana and I were blessed with the opportunity to attend a meeting hosted by Eagle Worldwide Ministries in our region. Joshua Mills, son of our good friends, Ron & Nancy Mills was ministering that night.

As with any meeting where Joshua ministers, there were manifestations of God’s glory that evening. Gold flakes appeared on Joshua’s face. And an angel feather dropped on the open Bible held by a woman sitting right in front of us.

No one was surprised by these signs or made a big deal of them…that’s just what one could expect to happen when Heaven touches earth!

Although we’ve been at meetings where Joshua has ministered before, we’d never met him personally. This time, we really felt that we needed to at least say ‘hi’ to him. We caught him just as he was about to leave the tent.

“Hi Joshua! I’m Jeeva Sam and this is my wife Sulojana. We’re friends of your Mom & Dad.”

How would he respond to that introduction? Would he say something like: “Yes, of course, I recognize your name! Aren’t you the co-founder of Destiny Word of the Day with Darren Canning? My Dad worked with you and Darren on a project where you guys took turns doing reflections on the Book of Acts over 40 Days of Fasting, right? I see that you’re quite prophetic too! You’re the guy that got the download about the Barrie to Buffalo Portal, am I correct?”


Instead, he said: “Hey! I know your name! You’re one of the supporters of our Christmas Album on Kickstarter, aren’t you? I’ve been praying for you every day.”

Before I could say anything else, he placed his briefcase on a chair, unzipped a compartment, took out a notebook and opened it up to a page which had some writing on it.

“See! There’s your name.”

There it was. Printed neatly: Jeeva Edward Sam. That’s my handle on Facebook where the Kickstarter appeal had been posted. And, yes, Joshua had promised there that he would personally pray for every person who supported him and Janet Angela Mills in this project.

I had only offered support at the lowest tier. But, a promise is a promise. And here was this anointed servant of God who was good for his word. Honestly, it blew me and Sulojana away!

Is there a correlation between keeping one’s word and manifesting God’s glory? Please pay close attention to these words from Psalm 15:

Lord, who may dwell in your sacred tent? Who may live on your holy mountain?  The one whose walk is blameless, who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from their heart…who keeps an oath even when it hurts, and does not change their mind (verses 1-2 & 4)

Among the characteristics of one who has access to dwell in the high places (glory realms) with God is a reference to one who keeps his/her word. As Jesus himself taught: “Let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’” (Matthew 5:37)

Holy Spirit showed me that the Father values integrity so much that He will manifest His glory through a follower of Jesus who gives their word and then honours it. No wonder signs and wonders manifest themselves when Joshua Mills is ministering!

Dear DWOD friend, do you want to accelerate toward your destiny? Maintain integrity in all your dealings with others. God Himself will show up on your behalf. Angels will be released on assignment to get you there swiftly. And Heaven will manifest on earth in you, through you and around you.

July 19, 2014–The Unbroken Gaze of the Soul

Nicole Warden(Be blessed by this DWOD for July 19, 2014 by guest contributor Nicole Warden)

Peter sees someone walking on the water. “Jesus, if it’s You, tell me to come to You on the water.” It is Jesus…He has no choice but to say: “Come”. Peter steps out of the boat into the water…his gaze fastened on Jesus…he walks on the water!

As Peter begins to take his eyes off of Jesus and looks at the storm going on around them, he begins to sink. But Jesus doesn’t let him drown. He reaches out, takes hold of Peter…and together they go back and get into the boat…and the winds cease. (Matthew 14:28-32)

As we walk through this life, we strive to enter the rest that He has prepared for us. The only way to do that is to keep the gaze of our soul unbroken upon Him…to keep the focus of our heart on Him Who is “the Author and Finisher of our faith” (Heb. 12:2)…to keep our trust securely established in Him…to keep our hope anchored in Him.

Then the trials of life come breaking down upon us like the waves of the sea…sons and daughters that are wayward, broken relationships with siblings, friends, co-workers…financial distress, unplanned losses that cause financial upheaval in our lives…the loss of loved ones…of the friend who struggled with drugs and alcohol for so long and has finally been overtaken by it…human trafficking going on in our world…the abduction of children…the wars…the bombings…tsunamis…earthquakes…the loss of so many lives…the death of so many innocents…

Sometimes our own gaze begins to slip from our Lord and Saviour, the Lover of our soul, and fixes on the circumstances and situations that are swirling all around us.

But, like Peter, we can lift up our eyes to the Lord and say: “Help me Lord! Give me grace to keep my eyes securely fastened on You…to keep my gaze unbroken upon You…”  

As we do so, we feel Him right there standing before us, lovingly gazing into our eyes, telling us that He loves us, that He’s with us, that He never ever leaves us…

That is where I want to stay…my faith anchored in Him…the gaze of my soul upon Him, unbroken forever…

My prayer for you, dear DWOD friend, is that no matter what circumstance or storm arises around you to distract you (and believe me they will come)…that the gaze of your soul will remain unbroken…the eyes of your heart and spirit securely fastened on Him Who is the lover of your soul

”To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy— to the only God our Saviour be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.” (Jude 1:24-25)

(Nicole Warden is a lover of Jesus whose mission in life is to love the Lord with all her heart, mind, soul, and strength, and to love others as herself. She has a passion to see people rise up to their full potential in Jesus as they learn to develop intimacy in their relationship with God… particularly in the area of prayer. Nicole and Bob, her husband of 39 years, live in St. Catharines. They have 3 grown sons: Michael (Anique), Tim (Rebecca) & Matthew and two grandsons, Andrew & Isaac…the delights of her heart).

July 18, 2014–Three Keys to Going Forward

Lance Wallnau(Be blessed by this DWOD for July 18, 2014 by guest contributor Lance Wallnau)

Why Are You Waiting?

It is a noble thing to be conscientious about doing the will of God, but I wonder if too much caution isn’t often an evidence of a misunderstanding about the nature of God and calling.

Remember the parable about the talents (Matthew 25:14-30)? Three men received talents. One guy multiplied five and another multiplied two. The master was delighted. The third guy feared his master and buried his one talent in the earth. When the boss returned he got his one talent back. What did the master call him? A “wicked, lazy slave.”

Most people miss entirely the point of this parable. It isn’t a parable about God rewarding good stewardship. It’s not about stewardship at all–it’s a parable about RISK! God rewards RISK.

Intelligent risk-taking in Heaven’s interest is of interest to Heaven! Those who play it so safe that they never risk losing are called “wicked and lazy.”


1. Be willing to risk.

The Apostle Paul wanted to be led by the Spirit – but he sought that leading while moving. He was far from sitting still as he“passed through the Phrygian and Galatian region, having been forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia; and after they came to Mysia, they were trying to go into Bithynia, and the Spirit of Jesus did not permit them…” (Acts 16:6-7) Blocked by the Spirit in two geographies he pressed into a vision in the night of a Macedonian calling for help. Off he went!

2. Get in motion while seeking the open door. A parked car is difficult to steer.

I especially encourage young people to go for it. You’re not going to be into your real career stride till your 30’s, so experience as much as you can in your 20’s. Swing the bat and be willing to miss. Try many things. Find out what you like and what you’re good at. Put yourself into positions where you risk being wrong.

3. Get a clear picture of where you want to end up.

It’s amazing how this works. If you get real clear on WHAT you want to see, the HOW TO will start to materialize.

The Bible sequence is “whatsoever things ye desire, when ye pray believe…” Notice, the starting point for manifestation isn’t “strategy”, it’s holy desire! Picture the thing you desire and your desire for the thing you picture will attract the vehicle for manifestation.

The secret is “believing” with the “heart,” not “straining” with the “head.” Not that God won’t use your mind. In fact He just might drop an entire mega-strategy right into your head in a flash–that’s usually how it happens.

The point is that God wants you less worried about missing His perfect will and more comfortable being in motion, risking and seeing His works and interventions in your life.

Conclusion? Love God and GO FOR IT!

(Dr. Lance Wallnau is a world-class trainer and consultant whose students span the globe. From bestselling authors, pastors, and billion dollar CEO‘s, he has helped to transform the lives of thousands. Please check out his resources at www.lancelearning.com)

July 17, 2014–Do you honour the Lord’s Anointed?

sulojana(Be blessed by this DWOD for July 17, 2014 by guest contributor Sulojana Sam. She encourages you to read I Samuel 24 in preparation for this revelation)

David is in the wilderness of En Gedi, hiding from King Saul, who is seeking to kill him, because he is jealous and “afraid of David, because the Lord was with him, but had departed from Saul” (I Samuel 18:12).

David had a great opportunity to kill King Saul, as he entered the cave where he was hiding, but he refrained from killing him and restrained his servants from rising against Saul because he was ‘the Lord’s anointed’ David gets another chance (I Samuel 26:8-11) to kill King Saul and yet he would not touch ‘the Lord’s anointed’. 

Dear friends, as our heavenly Father is preparing His people for the great move of God that is coming, I have noticed that satan is very busy creating disharmony within the body of Christ.  As Jeeva and I visited with a number of ministry leaders over the past few weeks, we have been disheartened by what we heard.

People are getting offended so easily. Some are walking away from their spiritual families after hearing just one remark made by their pastor, guest speaker or any of ‘the Lord’s anointed’, with which they do not agree.  Some are insisting that what they do not agree with should not be offered at all, otherwise they’re walking out. There seems to be a lack of willingness to forgive among Christians and a readiness to judge, instead of letting God do His work.

I am not even suggesting for a moment that all of the Lord’s anointed are perfect. I live with one and he certainly is not (sorry to burst your bubble, Jeeva!) We are all human beings and we do make mistakes sometimes.

Look at David, he had every good reason to kill King Saul, we might think, but he wouldn’t.  Not only that, his people were advising him to kill him, but he refused, because Saul was the Lord’s anointed’.

It is high time that we bring back our respect for all of ‘the Lord’s anointed’.  When we go to a church service or to a conference where one of these anointed ones is ministering, think of it like going to a grocery store.  We are not going to buy everything on the shelves, are we?  We grab what we need and leave the rest.

Just because we don’t care for pork, would we insist that the store take it off the shelves? Of course not, because someone else might love it.  The same thing applies to what we receive from our leaders too, doesn’t it?  We take in what agrees with us and leave the rest for someone else to devour.

Dear DWOD friend, if God is convicting you as you read these words, please ask God for His forgiveness first and then if possible, have a heart to heart talk with ‘the Lord’s anointed’ and ask for their forgiveness.  If all of us did that, there will be a lot less strife and more unity. Watch the blessings flow now, because God has said that He will command His blessings where there is unity (Psalm 133:3).

When satan brings these negative thoughts about ‘the Lord’s anointed’, tell him to stay under your feet (where he belongs) and he will obey.  We also need to remember that God has placed these anointed people to watch over us and wants us to honour them: Obey your spiritual leaders, and do what they say. Their work is to watch over your souls, and they are accountable to God. Give them reason to do this with joy and not with sorrow. That would certainly not be for your benefit”. (Hebrews 13:17)

David’s example so impressed King Saul that he blessed him with these words in I Samuel 24:19-20: May the Lord reward you well for the way you treated me today. I know that you will surely be king and that the kingdom of Israel will be established in your hands.” Wow!

As you advance into your destiny, I pray that you too will reap every blessing that flows from the King of kings for showing honour to ‘the Lord’s anointed’.

(Sulojana Sam is an honourable woman of God who is being used mightily in the prophetic and in healing. While she is not working for the government, she also doubles as Jeeva Sam’s partner in life and in ministry and as the mother of their three awesome children–Priya, Sathiya and Jaya)

July 16, 2014–Entering a place of deep Peace

Darren July 2014Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things. (Philippians 4:8)

The battle that you and I fight is not external to us but rather internal.  It is a battle of the mind.  The exciting thing is that each time that we get upset or feel anxiety becomes an opportunity to surrender to God.   It becomes a gate into which more peace can come through if we allow the renewal to occur.

From the Christian perspective the mind is made up of the will, thoughts and emotions.  We have either good thoughts or bad thoughts.  What we want is more good than bad.  When our mind is filled with good, then we are able to live in relative harmony with ourselves and those around us.  When our mind is constantly raging, then our emotions and bodies are affected.

Peace comes through renewal of the mind.  As we allow God to reprogram the thoughts that enter, then we have more and more peace.  A thought like “I will never achieve anything” can be so toxic to our minds and emotions that it can cause you to die prematurely.

A thought like “Everyone else is successful but me” can keep you chained in poverty the rest of your life.

A thought like “I am stupid, why try” can keep you from doing the things that you long to do.

A thought like “There is no way I can escape the cycle that my family is in” will keep you and your family under the curse.

The Holy Spirit cleanses us and leads us to pure waters.  These waters are the words of God for our life and they wash away the lies we hold onto.  As we meditate on the Bible and listen to God’s voice, we are programmed with the thoughts of God.  He is the most encouraging person that I have ever met.  He is constantly speaking good things over my life.

I remember when I first started hearing God say nice things about me, I thought He was wrong.  I didn’t believe He could really love me that much.

There was a time in my life when I felt no one in the world loved me and in fact I believed they were afraid of me or hated me.  It was a very difficult way to live my life.

So the feeling of being loved by God was life changing.  I learned to love myself because I knew He loved me.  I knew He loved because He said it all of the time.  I became the center of God’s attention.  A mystery of God is that each one of us is the center of the universe when Christ is in our heart.

God becomes my personal God just as He becomes your personal God.  He is there for me day and night.  There is not a time that He isn’t there for me.  It is really like it is just me and Him living in the earth. Such great love He has for you and me.

When you are filled with the presence of God and become centered in the Shelter of the Most High, His thoughts for you become your thoughts as well.  Old lies begin to fall away.  Each day you become aware of the destructive thoughts that once bound you.  Each day the truth sets you free.

Yes, Christ died once for my sins on the cross, but each day my freedom grows brighter and brighter.  As I continue to gaze upon the one my soul loves, then my mind becomes freer.  Peace goes deeper into my heart and I am not as easily shaken.

We all want to be in that place of unshakable peace.  It comes with a price.  In order to enter into that place, we must freely surrender all of our fears.  God will make us face each fear for freedom’s sake.  The lies that you hold onto will bind you until Christ reveals them and you surrender it back to Him.  He will show you the truth that you believe and you must repent or forgive.  When you pay these costs (which can seem very high), then in return Christ gives you a peace deeper and more wonderful than anything you can imagine.

So I pray that today you will enter into that deeper place.  I pray that you will be open to the renewal that God wants to bring.  I pray that God will just show up in your life and begin this work.  Just cry out to Him today and watch what He will do.

July 15, 2014–Going from Faith to Faith

from faith to faithAnd without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6)

Perhaps you, like me, consider yourself a person of faith and have even walked in a certain measure of it.  Romans 1:17 has two interesting concepts that I want to share with you today.  Firstly it says, “The just shall live by faith.”  Faith in our walk is like the breath that we breathe.  We cannot please God without faith and by faith we grow in faith.

And then it says, that the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith.  We learn to trust God not in a moment but through time.  We learn to trust Him with the multiple circumstances that we face in this life.  We learn to trust Him first with our lives and then the lives of our families.

We learn to have faith to trust Him for our finances, health, safety, and salvation.  And then once we have learned to trust Him with our own lives, we must learn to trust Him for the finances, health, safety and salvation of those we love dearly.

In this way we learn faith by going from faith to faith.


There have been a number of times in my life when I have been preaching the gospel in various cities and have faced dangers of various kinds.  Once I came close to being shot and many times I have nearly been in car accidents.  My knowledge that God would take care of me during such trials has been strengthened because of the trials I have faced.

But then I faced the same situations with my family.  Just this week I was with my family in a city in the United States.  I had planned to have a nice evening at a hotel with them on the ocean.  A friend of mine blessed us with a hotel room on a beach front, but when I got to the hotel I soon realized that we were in a very bad part of town.

I sent my wife in to check into the hotel room and she was gone for a long time.  She told me that she felt danger inside that hotel and while waiting for her, I noticed a number of drug addicts stumbling down the sidewalk.  I had my four sons in the car and these people looked like they could cause trouble for me and my family.

In that moment I didn’t trust God with my family.  We brought our stuff into the hotel room where the furniture was falling apart.  That is when I started to panic.  About a month before this experience I saw that it would occur in a dream.  I ended up hurting people in the dream because of the fear of my family being hurt.

I decided I was leaving the hotel.  I went to the desk to check out and the man politely asked me why.  I said, “The furniture is falling apart in the room.”

He said, “Well, let’s see if I can get you another room.”

It wasn’t the furniture that I was concerned about.  It was the drug addicts in the streets.  I pictured them breaking into my car and hurting my little boys.  I was walking in fear and not faith.

I got upset with the guy at the desk and told him we were leaving.  You could tell that I had offended him and that he was quite sad.  I actually had made a spectacle of myself.

As I drove away from that hotel, I realized that I didn’t trust God with my family.  I repented with tears and asked God to forgive me.  I understood that I had learned another valuable lesson.  I now knew that in order to walk the path that He had for me I would have to learn to trust Him even with my children.

Perhaps you also need to learn such faith.  I pray for you today and ask the Holy Spirit to impart this knowledge supernaturally into you so that you don’t have to go through what I went through.  I pray that you will have strong faith to face every trial and that you will know that God is present in all your circumstances protecting you and even your family.

July 14, 2014–Who caught the goat?

Peggy-Kennedy(Be blessed by this DWOD for July 14, 2014 by guest contributor Peggy Kennedy)

“Not for us, O Eternal One; this glory is not for us–but for Your name, because of Your loyal love and truth.” (Psalm 115:1)

“Who caught the goat?” 

This was the main question arising from the dream. As I awoke I remembered the details well: the goat escaped the handlers and the runaway was making a straight path right towards me.  Even though I was all dressed up I didn’t hesitate to move resolutely right into its path.  With my one risky yet solid embrace the goat was stopped in its tracks.

The handlers were excited!  With joy they came running to secure the goat.  They pulled out their camera to take a picture of the “rescue” so the owner would know just how wonderful the brave and timely intervention had been.  There was only one problem. 

They called my “friend” (who suddenly appeared into the scene from somewhere) and put the goat’s tether line in his hand and aimed their camera.  I was openly upset!  Loudly I protested:  “But, who caught the goat?!!!!!”

Except for that closing scene it would have been easy to dismiss the dream. However, as I awoke, that closing scenario lingered and so did the realization that the Lord had given that dream.  He was exposing my heart and revealing His! The inequity of being passed by and having the praise go to another was clearly on display.

I had felt the sting of resentment toward the goat-handlers who clearly knew that I was the one who had bravely done the deed.  And, anger and frustration arose when my own “friend” received their enthusiastic “applause” and took the spotlight for something I had accomplished. 

Yes, my heart was being clearly exposed.  No rational thought of how often my friend has faithfully worked behind the scenes and “deserved” a moment of recognition would cancel the resentment that I had done the deed but someone else was getting the glory!

And, where did that dream come from?  Likely this foundational kingdom principle was being stirred by the Lord as a result of my current reading of the amazing, self-less ministry of Barnabas to the newly converted Saul.

Barnabas had already befriended the once fierce persecutor of the Church who was aflame with the transforming power of the Lord from that Damascus Road encounter.  Now Barnabas goes to Tarsus, retrieves Saul, and brings him to the revival scene in Antioch. (Acts 11:22-26).  There Barnabas, this man of encouragement, shares the platform with Saul for a very productive year.

It is to be noted that when the names are listed, Barnabas’s name always comes first.  This is a common way in scripture to denote the prominent one. However, by the time the two are on their first joint ministry tour, the names are reversed.  “Paul” now replaces the name “Saul” and it is “Paul and Barnabas”.

Years ago I heard it said, “There could be more done for the Lord’s glory if we didn’t care who got the glory for what was done.”  As a result of my dream I can say a huge “amen”!

The goal is the “goat”, not the acclaim and celebration!  Rise up within me, O Barnabas-nature, so that His work is accomplished and others are brought forward in their gifting and ministry!

Who caught the goat?  That is not the issue at all!  The issue is His glory and the advance of His kingdom!

(Peggy Kennedy is a respected member of the Canadian Prophetic Council. According to her pastor Matt Tapley: “Peggy Kennedy carries a powerful anointing to consistently bring the Word of the Lord in a way that is both powerful and timely…mantled to walk in a heavenly grace that brings people of diverse backgrounds together in unity.”)

July 13, 2014–The LeBron James Shift

Lebron-James Heat CavsRecently, the sports world was abuzz with the news that LeBron James had chosen to leave the Miami Heat to play for his hometown Cleveland Cavaliers.

In a thoughtful article released through Sports Illustrated, LeBron outlines his reason for leaving Cleveland in the first place and now choosing to return four years later: “When I left Cleveland, I was on a mission. I was seeking championships, and we won two.”

LeBron candidly admits that his reason for initially leaving the Cavaliers was purely personal, and dare we say, selfish? It was all about him “seeking championships.” Since he could not see himself winning one in Cleveland at the time, he jumped ship and set sail for Miami.

Was that mission accomplished? With four straight trips to the finals and two championship rings to show for them, a big, resounding YES!

But the LeBron James of 2014 is not the same one who left in 2010. You can sense the change in his maturity level when he goes on to say in the same article: “I see myself as a mentor now and I’m excited to lead some of these talented young guys…I think I can help Kyle Irving become one of the best point guards on our league. I think I can help elevate Tristan Thompson and Dion Walters.” Not to mention recent draft picks such as Andrew Wiggins and Anthony Bennett.

What excites LeBron now is how he can help teammates reach greater levels of personal excellence and achieve success together as a team in a city that has never won the NBA title nor any other national championship for 50 long years. “My goal is still to win as many titles as possible, no question. But what’s most important for me is bringing one trophy back to Northeast Ohio.”

Clearly, there is a shift in LeBron’s goals. The joy of seeing his younger, inexperienced teammates blossom into mature superstars under his tutelage motivates him more than shooting for another championship next year in Miami.

Dear DWOD friend, as you advance toward your destiny, you too will need to make this shift that LeBron James has made in his life. What is this shift?

Some would label it as a shift from success to significance. When we first start out on our journey, all we want to do is achieve success for ourselves. But our life moves beyond success to significance when we invest ourselves in others and help them achieve the kind of success that we have already tasted.

It is what the apostle Paul calls “equipping the saints for the work of ministry” (Ephesians 4:12). It is not just about you becoming an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher but about you equipping others to also become one.

You could also call it a shift in mindset from Empire to Kingdom. Rather than focus on building an empire where everything revolves around your enterprise, you choose to invest your time, effort and energy into that which advances the Kingdom of God.

In practical terms, this could mean that you, as a ministry/church leader focus not only on equipping your own team, but anyone in your Region who needs to be equipped, and thus advance the Kingdom.

It could lead someone who is already successful in their own business choosing to bless young entrepreneurs with the benefit of their experience and offering them wise counsel and guidance.

You are now re-defining your criterion of satisfaction from achieving personal success to helping others achieve success.

Years from now, one of LeBron’s fellow Cavs will likely say something like: “I could’ve never made it this far without LeBron’s influence on my life when I played with him in Cleveland.” It is at times such as this that LeBron James will shed tears of joy and be glad that he not only made the move from Miami to Cleveland, but more importantly, the shift from success to significance.

When you choose to make the LeBron James shift today, you too will experience something similar in the days to come. And it will be well worth the shift.

July 12, 2014–God’s New Building Project

God's building project(Be blessed by this DWOD for June 13, 2014 by guest contributor Lance Wallnau)

 “In my Father’s house are many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you.” Thus spoke Jesus on His last night. He goes to prepare an eternal and wonderful place customized just for you.

What is implied but not spelled out is that the Holy Spirit, in turn, comes into your life to make you into the house that matches your eternal habitation. He moves into you.

Suddenly God starts putting you into situations where you will have to be very much braver, or more patient, or more loving, than you ever dreamed of being before. You must EXPAND.

This process comes to us as a surprise: but that is because we have not yet had the slightest notion of what it means when Jesus says: Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will COME TO THEM and MAKE OUR HOME with them.” (John 14:23)

Before He comes for you, He moves into you.

C. S. Lewis says: “Imagine yourself a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps you can understand what he is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on: you knew that those jobs needed doing so you are not surprised. But, presently, He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make sense. What on earth is He up to?

The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of—throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were going to be made into a decent little cottage: but he is building a palace.

If we let him—for we can prevent him, if we choose—he will make the feeblest and filthiest of us into a dazzling, radiant, immortal creature, pulsating all through with such energy and joy and wisdom and love as we cannot now imagine, a bright, stainless mirror which reflects back to God perfectly (though, of course, on a smaller scale) His own boundless power and delight and goodness.”

This is the TRANSFORMATION project you and I are now experiencing as God moves in to make His tabernacle among men…in us! Heaven is getting the final generation ready for the End Times Feast of Tabernacles!

How’s the building project going?

(Dr. Lance Wallnau is a world-class trainer and consultant whose students span the globe. From bestselling authors, pastors, and billion dollar CEO‘s, he has helped to transform the lives of thousands. Please check out his resources at www.lancelearning.com)