July 11, 2014–To Embarrass or Not…

joseph-revealed-himself-to-his-brothersThen Joseph could no longer control himself before all his attendants, and he cried out, “Have everyone leave my presence!” So there was no one with Joseph when he made himself known to his brothers. (Genesis 45:1)

Put yourself in Joseph’s moccasins. You’ve finally got your brothers where you want them. Yes, the very same guys who nicknamed you “Dreamer” in the derogatory sense of the word and loved to make fun of your dreams.

“Aha, so you actually think you will be our king, do you? Do you actually think you will reign over us?” (Genesis 37:8) The same crew that hated him and was jealous of him.

Joseph’s mind flashed back to the day they threw him in the pit. And the disgusting discussion they had over killing him. How could he forget the moment they sold him as a slave for 20 shekels? How could he ignore that sick feeling in the pit of his stomach when he was bought by Potiphar? He felt more like a slab of meat than a normal human being.

The memories flooded his mind as he recalled all the trouble he had experienced in Egypt since then. Falsely accused of rape by his boss’s wife. In prison with the most unsavoury characters imaginable. Forgotten by the cupbearer who had promised to “remember” him when Pharaoh released him, exactly as Joseph had interpreted his dream.

All that trouble was all because of these guys. They were at his mercy. He had the perfect opportunity to let all his Egyptian courtiers and friends know what dirty rotten scoundrels they were. Perhaps they would want to administer a shot of Egyptian justice to them. He could sit back and watch with a smirk on his face while clapping his hands with glee. Oh, that would be so sweet J

To embarrass or not…that was the choice. What would Joseph do?

He commands all the Egyptians to leave the room. He would keep his brother’s dastardly deeds to himself. He would not publicize them to the whole wide world.

Then comes the Reveal. “I am Joseph, your brother, whom you sold into slavery in Egypt.”

Dear DWOD friend, on the road to your destiny, you too could very well run into opportunities such as the one Joseph had to embarrass your enemies. To expose the sins of your ex-es. To shame those who besmirched your good name. To stick it to those who failed to stick with you. To go on the offensive to those who offended you.

It is a great temptation that is very difficult to resist. Sad to say, I’ve been at gatherings where someone has stood up and destroyed another’s reputation by bringing up information that we did not need to know at all. I’ve even had the misfortune of being at meetings where someone has raised in public issues that should’ve been discussed in private with me. It is doubly difficult to resist when you have enough dirt on them to smear their name and enough ammo to smash it to smithereens. What would you do?

Joseph chose not to embarrass his brothers, unlike his ancestor Ham, who rather than cover his father Noah’s shame and not say ‘boo’ about it to anyone, exposed his drunkenness to his brothers. Thankfully they covered his nakedness with dignity (Genesis 9:22-23).

Do you suppose Joseph’s brothers were pleased about not being embarrassed by him? Is there a Pope named Francis? We go on to read in Genesis 9: 26 & 27 that Noah blessed his sons Shem and Japheth for covering him up. Ham’s descendants on the other hand were cursed.

So, the next time an opportunity arises for you to rub your nemesis’ noggin in the dirt, I hope that you too will follow the example of Joseph and others and choose not to embarrass your enemy.

As we are reminded in Proverbs 19:11: “It is to one’s glory to overlook an offense.”

July 11, 2014–A Swift Kick in the Pots

stove drawer“Houston, we have a problem!”

OK, that’s not what I said.

“Sulojana, we have a problem!”

“What is it?”

“I can’t open the drawer at the base of the stove to get out the skillet that I need to make the omelette.”

“I’ll be right there.”

Onions sliced? Check.

Mushrooms ready? Check.

Spinach cut? Check.

Eggs beaten? Check.

Olive Oil handy? Check.

Skillet? Nyet.

So I did what any man would do under the circumstances. I applied the most brutish force I could muster and tried to pull the drawer open. No cigar. I even mimicked the feminine touch and jiggled it gently in between manly pulls. Still no change.

Enter Sulojana.

“Just move over.” (The tone said: Get out of my way RIGHT NOW!)


I stood back to observe what would surely be an ancient Indian technique for opening jammed drawers at the base of an electrical stove that had been handed down through the generations in her family. What kind of finesse would it take? Perhaps jiggling sideways was not the answer. She’ll probably move it up and down and get it open. Or she might simply lay hands on it and pray. Maybe her breakthrough anointing will kick in.  

Well, it did in a way…but not with the laying on of hands. As a matter of fact, she did not even bend down an inch or make any attempt to use her hands.

Instead, she drew near to the stove and gave the drawer a swift kick with her right foot. Bingo! The drawer opened. She handed me the skillet with a smug look on her face. I let out the weakest hallelujah I’ve ever whimpered.

What was so readily obvious to her became apparent to me at that moment. Somehow the pots had been positioned in such a way that they prevented the drawer from being opened. Once she gave the boot, there was a realignment in the drawer that pushed the offending vessel out of the way. With no obstacle to impede its movement, the drawer opened meekly with the simple tug of a lady’s fingers.

All I could do was shake my head in puzzled amazement.

In Daniel 4, we see how God had to apply a swift kick in the pots to a boastful king named Nebuchadnezzar. In verses 29 and 30 we read: As the king was walking on the roof of the royal palace of Babylon, he said, “Is not this the great Babylon I have built as the royal residence, by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty?”

What happened right afterwards? He was driven away from people and ate grass like the ox. His body was drenched with the dew of heaven until his hair grew like the feathers of an eagle and his nails like the claws of a bird. (v. 33)

It was only as he raised his eyes toward heaven that his sanity was restored (v. 34). The swift kick caused a re-alignment in his thought process and turned him around.

Dear DWOD friend, this may sound harsh, but there are times when you could be so caught up in your misguided priorities that the only way God can open closed doors is by giving you a swift kick in the pots.

I must admit that I’ve experienced the right foot of God more than once in my life. Although it was not what I wanted at the moment, it was exactly what I needed.

Perhaps it has happened to you already. Would you share your experience(s) with the rest of your DWOD family?

July 09, 2014–God gives Good Gifts when you Ask

promise 189(Be blessed by this DWOD for July 09, 2014 by guest contributor Barry Adams)

“If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!” (Matthew 7:11)

In this part of The Sermon On The Mount, Jesus is encouraging His listeners to not be afraid to ask God for what they need. In the preceding verses, Jesus encourages people to keep on asking, keep on seeking and keep on knocking. The promise that He makes is that those who ask will receive, those who seek will find, and those who knock will have the door opened to them.

In this particular promise, Jesus relates the hearts of earthly fathers to the heart of His heavenly Father. Even though they are sinful, earthly fathers still know how to give good gifts to their kids. If that is the case, HOW MUCH MORE will the perfect Father (Matthew 5:48) in heaven give good gifts to those who ask?

I remember a time back in January 2001, when I felt the Lord encourage me to ask Him for His blessing on my life and the work of my hands. At the time, I was working on our fathersloveletter.com website which had a steady flow of 3,000 visits per day. After hearing His encouragement to ask Him to bless us, I felt bold enough to ask God to increase the daily visits from 3,000 visits per day to 10,000 visits!

I thought that was a pretty big step of faith considering that it represented more than a 300% increase. Within one week, our web traffic increased to 10,000 visits per day. Within another week, it had skyrocketed to 30,000 visits per day which was three times what I could even dare to ask for!

I am learning more and more every day that God wants to really be a Father to me (2 Corinthians 6:18) in every area of my life. More than anything else, He wants my heart and He wants me to know that I am His child. A child who has complete unrestricted access to my Dad night and day. I know it pleases His heart most when I seek His face and not just His hand. I know that He loves it when I love Him for Him and not for what He gives me.

However, Jesus still encourages us to ask our Dad for what we need, for He already knows what we need even before we ask! May you find the courage today to go boldly into your heavenly Father’s throne room and ask Him for what you need, for He is a giver of every good and perfect gift that flows from heaven (James 1:17).

(This is Promise #189 from the series “365 Promises” created by Barry Adams. You may subscribe to receive them daily by e-mail at www.365promises.com or on the Facebook Page 365promises)

July 08, 2014–The “Extra” makes you Extraordinary

Doreen BrisbinIt was in May 1976 that I first set foot on Canadian soil along with my mother, sister and brother. Dad had already been here for 10 months by then.

Even before we arrived, he had sent in applications to several universities in Ontario where I could begin my undergraduate studies. Without exception, every one of them sent back the same standard reply: “Students from India need to have completed a B.Sc with first class standing before they can be admitted into the B.Sc Degree program at our university. Admission denied.”

Needless to say this response was discouraging. I had already completed 13 years of schooling in India. Why would Ontario universities not consider that to be the equivalent of completing Grade 13 and grant me admission?

Dad came up with a strategy. Let’s show the universities that threw the book at us the syllabus of the courses I had taken. This way they can see that my Indian education was comparable to that of a typical Canadian Grade 13 graduate.  Perhaps that would sway the decision in my favour. I vividly recall paying a typist to put it all together and then air-mailing the papers to Canada. Still most of the universities had refused to budge.

When we arrived on May 19, Dad gave me the good news that the University of Waterloo had granted me admission, provided I passed the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language). I did…and received the offer of admission.

That summer, we decided to visit the University of Waterloo campus to see where I would be spending the next few years of my life. We stopped in at the Faculty of Science office to thank them for granting me admission when others would not.

The receptionist led us to the office of the Associate Dean, Dr. Brisbin, who was in charge of admissions. It was then that we discovered the reason behind the University of Waterloo’s decision to bend the rules and let me in.

The letterhead on which Dad had composed the cover letter was that of the United Church of Canada congregation in Englehart where he was serving at the time. This caught Dr. Brisbin’s attention because her brother-in-law was working at the denominational headquarters in Toronto. She decided to take a look at the enclosures.

When she started perusing the syllabus, she suspected that it could be close to what was being taught in Grade 13. To confirm her suspicion, she simply walked down the hallway to the office of a Professor of Physics who had been educated in India. He took one look at the documents and my transcript and assured her that she could safely grant me admission.

I am reasonably sure that every university to which I applied had on its Faculty of Science at least one professor of Indian origin in those days. But it was only one Associate Dean that took the time to consult a colleague.

In my second year, I was privileged to be taught Chemistry by Dr. Brisbin She was a great professor who was able to communicate the basics of Chemistry in an exceptionally simple manner. She did such a good job that I finished with a 100% mark on that introductory course!

Sad to say I have forgotten a lot of what I learned in CHEM 101, mainly because Chemistry and Theology do not exactly mix well in the course of practising ministry, unless we are talking about spontaneous combustions at certain church meetings, ha, ha!

However, I have never forgotten the extra effort that Dr. Brisbin took to walk down the hallway. It is that which makes her extraordinary in my books.

Dear DWOD friend, do you realize that all it takes for you to move from ordinary to extraordinary is an “extra” step? Ask Holy Spirit to show you what extra step you need to take today to help someone else to get an opportunity or to make progress on the road to their destiny. You too will be viewed as extraordinary by others in due course.

P.S: The picture accompanying this post is the only one of Dr. Brisbin I could find on the web. It was taken at a university reception in 2011, 35 years after our first meeting.

July 07, 2014–The Greatest Proof of the Supernatural

TreasureHunting2But earnestly desire the best gifts. And yet I show you a more excellent way. Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. (I Corinthians 12:31-13:2)

Last Saturday, a group of us gathered at Forks Road East United Church in Wainfleet, Ontario to prepare for a “Treasure Hunt.” For those of you who may not be familiar with the terminology, let’s demystify it with this definition from Kevin Dedmon, widely acknowledged as a pioneer in this form of outreach:

“A group of people (three to five per team) asks God for words of knowledge about people’s names, clothing, appearance and prayer need(s). They also get words of knowledge about locations and other unusual things. They write these down on a paper called their Treasure Map and go to the locations on their Map to find “treasures”…people who correspond in some way to the clues that the team has written down. When they find someone, they show him or her their map and ask if they can pray for him/her.”

When we first started doing Treasure Hunts last summer, we had two Bethel School of Ministry graduates, Taylor Woodburn & Melissa Egerter leading us through some Activation exercises before we broke up into teams and headed out on the hunt. This year, the responsibility fell on my shoulders. I vaguely recalled what we had done last summer, but, to be on the safe side, messaged Taylor and Melissa on Facebook to provide guidance.

Here is the first part of Taylor’s instructions: Talk about how the main idea is love, then do a “Love Activation.” Have them get into groups of two, and one person focuses on receiving and person two focuses on giving love. Then break the love connection. Repeat by switching roles.


That is exactly how we began our Activation exercises. If it is true that “the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us” (Romans 5:5), then we simply needed to release that love from one heart to another.

It was exactly the right way to begin preparing for an Outreach. Since we had done Treasure Hunts before, we knew that once we got out there and started identifying our “treasures”, accurate prophetic words would flow, healings would be the order of the day and commitments to Jesus would follow.

However, if we were to embark on a Treasure Hunt focusing only on the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit flowing through us and getting people saved, we could be missing the boat! As Paul reminds us in the passage quoted above from I Corinthians, without love, the gifts don’t mean a blessed thing.

The starting point is love. The force that carries us through the outreach is love. The ministry that happens and the decisions that follow are all undergirded by love. That is why we started out with the Love Activation.

Dear DWOD friend, please bear in mind that as you advance toward your destiny, demonstrating the supernatural in your daily life with signs, wonders and miracles following…you too will come against attempts by the enemy to offer resistance and make you respond out of your flesh. You could be tempted to retaliate, take offense, spew venom, hurl insults, act out of spite…you get the idea.

The greatest proof of the supernatural active in you in moments such as these is how you resist the temptation to respond according to the flesh and choose instead to live by the Spirit.

That response will always be one of pure, unadulterated love, the kind of love that Jesus showed everywhere He went. And that is as supernatural as it gets!

July 06, 2014–Built on a Solid Foundation

house on rock(Be blessed by this DWOD for July 06, 2014 by guest contributor Os Hillman)

“But everyone who hears these words of Mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.” (Matthew 7:26)

There were two kinds of people in the days of Jesus. Some heard the words that Jesus spoke and were awed by His wisdom and understanding, but did nothing about what they heard. Others heard those words and acted on them.

Jesus said that those who heard the words but failed to put them into practice were foolish and likened them to building a house on sand. How foolish, indeed, it would be to build a house on sand!

The person who followed what Jesus taught was a person who would be sure to weather life’s storms.

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock” (Matthew 7:24-25).

You never know how well your house is built until it is tested by the elements. Torrential rains reveal the quality of your roof. Wind and cold reveal how well your home is insulated. Heat and sun reveal the quality of your paint and siding. All these elements reveal whether a solid foundation has been laid to make your home a secure and lasting place to live.

Many of us find that we have given only lip service to God’s commands. We are faced with the reality that our foundations are not strong enough to weather life’s storms. How do we react when the trials come?

Do we fret and worry? Do we take life into our hands? Do we respond inappropriately when we don’t get what we want?

The Lord uses these times to help us recognize whether our foundations are sand or rock. Ask the Lord today if you have built on His rock. If so, you can be comforted to know that you can weather any storm that may come your way.

(Reprinted by permission from the author. Os Hillman is an international speaker and author of 15 books on workplace calling. To learn more, visit http://www.MarketplaceLeaders.org)

July 05, 2014–DANGER! Destructive Distractions

distracted-driving“Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. Do not turn to the right or to the left; keep your foot from evil.” (Proverbs 4:25-27)

Last week in our city of St. Catharines, police officers were setting up shop at various intersections with one goal in mind: Catch those who were committing the offense known as “distracted driving.” Needless to say it was a very “successful” campaign!

The most flagrant violation under this category is, of course, drivers using their cell phones to text, talk, check e-mail, etc. However, distracted driving is not limited to cell phone use. You could also be ticketed for eating a sandwich with one hand while driving with the other or applying lipstick while looking into the mirror on your visor…in short, anything that takes your attention away from focusing on the main task at hand, i.e. driving in a safe manner.

For the record, I have been using a Bluetooth headset for taking and making calls since the day that our province enacted legislation to this effect. However, I cannot say the same for text messages and e-mails.

The hefty fine of $280 and the possibility of a careless driving charge (6 demerit points and up to a $2000 fine and/or 6 months in jail), should be a deterrent in itself. What is even worse is the prospect of driving off the road and putting one’s life and the lives of others in the vehicle in jeopardy. Or even worse, driving into another vehicle and destroying more innocent lives in the process.  

Dear DWOD friend, distractions abound on the road to your destiny also. Over the years, I have seen many who were tracking well toward their destiny get completely derailed by distractions. Frankly, I have given in to distractions myself and prevented myself from progressing as I ought to.

There have been times when I have committed myself to a training program that will help me move forward. But before I master it, I get interested in something else that also looks good. Before I know it, I have mastered neither. It was nothing but a self-inflicted distraction that delayed my destiny.

Or sometimes it can be something as simple as starting to write a DWOD, only to see the notification of an e-mail’s arrival in my inbox or hear the ‘ding’ of a Facebook message. The e-mail has a link that I absolutely need to click on right away, of course! And the Fb message demands an immediate response, amen? Then I’m reminded that I need to change my stale-dated profile picture. Ah, might as well use one of those recent pics I took for the cover, while I’m at it.

In the meantime, another e-mail arrives. I must read the article that my good friend recommends. Oh, what’s this, 32 likes and 19 comments for my profile picture and double digits in both categories for the cover pic as well? Wow! Gotta check them out first and like every comment…courtesy demands it, right?

Before you know it, the original inspiration for the DWOD has taken wings and flown away into the nether regions of the brain. Launch search and rescue. Brilliant Idea, where art thou?  

No wonder Solomon, the wisest king of them all, counsels us: Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you…Do not turn to the right or to the left…”  

In other words, he is telling us to avoid distractions. They carry a hefty penalty. Sometimes you pay with hard-earned cash. Sometimes the price tag is a precious life.

One thing is for sure. Distractions can delay your destiny and destroy you in the process.

How about you, dear friend? What are some distractions that you battle? Have you been derailed by any in the past? How do you avoid destructive distractions now?

Would you kindly share your experiences with the rest of us? Thanks in advance.

July 04, 2014–Why the enemy tries to bribe you

Darren, May 2014“In him there was life [or What was made through him was life], and that life was the light of all people. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overpowered [defeated; or understood; comprehended] it.” (John 1:4-5)

Darkness does not understand the light of God nor how it operates within the heart of a man born of light.  The best that darkness can do is test the man of God to see if He is truly born of light.

The enemy uses temptation, because for a great percentage of mankind it works.  When the enemy presents man with a bribe and he does not bend to that bribe, the enemy is confounded.  He does not understand the light and how it completely satisfies the heart of man.

The enemy is a greedy liar.  He is a murderer and he is covetous.  In eternity he longed for something that was not his – the throne of God.  He did not understand his place in heaven, and as a result was thrown from heaven, falling like a star into the earth.  He did not learn his lesson in that moment and continues to live under the false presumption that he is greater than he is.

The light satisfies a man completely.  When a person experiences the things of the Spirit of God and sees the Kingdom from an eternal perspective, this earth dims in comparison.  The rewards of the Kingdom are far greater than any earthly temptation.  When you see from heaven’s perspective, all the money on earth is not worth turning from God for.

The enemy has never defeated the light and has never truly understood it.  He is continuously confounded by the person who operates from the Kingdom’s perspective.

The most that he can do is tempt, but when confronted by true belief he will always flee.  When a person sets his heart on pleasing God above all else, nothing can stop that person from succeeding.  God will make a way where there seems to be no way.

Even when the worse circumstances arise in your life and the temptation is great to do what is wrong, you need to stay strong.  God will deliver you and set you free.  You may have nothing from an earthly point of view, but you still have God, which means you have everything you need.  Stay strong and God will bring you through.

There have been times that the enemy has used bribes to try to stop me from moving forward into my destiny in Christ.  These are real temptations, because he knows what motivates my life.  In those moments of temptation, I realize that he is threatened by me and that God must have something far greater in store than what the enemy is offering.  I actually get excited about what I am about to receive from the Lord, because I know it is much better.

Moreover I know that the enemy does not give anything good to me without wanting something in return.  The end result of giving into his temptations would be a life separated from peace and joy for eternity.

I also know that he would likely not give what he promised to give me anyway.  He would make sure I would be destroyed before the consummation of the reward.  The enemy is only a liar, only a thief.  He is a devourer and nothing good comes from him.

I pray that you will have understanding today to know the truth of what I am saying.  I pray that you will have great strength in the face of temptation and that you will overcome every battle every time.  Be blessed in the Lord and the power of His might.

July 03–Praying to a Loving Father

Darren & son“You fathers–if your children ask for a fish, do you give them a snake instead?” (Luke 11:11)

When I pray, I simply ask God to speak to me.  If I need direction, He gives it.  If I need peace, it always comes.  When I ask Him for help, He gives it to me.  When I ask for wisdom, it arrives.

Answered prayer emboldens me to continue in prayer.  Each time God speaks to me says that He will speak again. Because I have had past prayers answered, I know that my future prayers will get answered as well. And so I have confidence when I pray.

There are times situations arise bringing stress to my life.  Until I learn to put these things in the hands of God in prayer, it can continue to cause me stress.  There are times when I realize that a situation has been bothering me for some time and I haven’t prayed about it.  When I remember to pray I become excited because I know the stress will leave, because I know that God will answer that prayer.  In those moments I just wish I had prayed sooner.

When the most difficult situations arise in our lives, we must remember to pray.  God will guide us through tough circumstances as long as we turn to Him for the answers.  Every day we need to lay our lives before His altar in prayer and ask for guidance through this maze called life.  As we do, our paths become straight and we will take great leaps while others flounder (Proverbs 3:5-6).

People who don’t pray face all kinds of perils and many end up blaming their pain and misfortune on God.  They don’t realize how close He is and how much He really wants to bless their lives if they would only just turn to Him and love Him.   They don’t pray to Him because they don’t know His nature and that He is good.

Earthly children can be the same way.  Many blame their parents for the pain in their lives.  Anger burns inside of them for the things that they feel they lack.  They don’t realize the blessing that they do have in that parent.  They choose to not have a relationship with their father or mother because the pain is too much.  Many children lose a parent not because the parent doesn’t love them, and does not want to be with them, but simply because the child cannot get past his pain.

As the prodigal turns to the Father in prayer, great blessings can come upon his life.  The Father has so much that He longs to give to His children. But as long as they separate themselves from Him, then He cannot give them what He wants to give because they do not wish to receive from Him.

A man’s idea of God can be very different from the reality of God, but because that man cannot see past his pain, then he cannot see that God is a good Father.

But as you allow God to come into your heart through prayer, you are healed.  It is prayer that brings healing into all of our lives.  We must communicate past our hurts and fears and let God speak to us.  As we do this, God washes away the sickness of our hearts and bodies.  He releases us from the dungeons of depression, anxiety and fear that bind us.

I pray for you today and ask God to give you a revelation of His greatness and goodness.  May you see the loving Father as He is and may you turn to Him more in this hour than ever before.

July 02, 2014–Become a Person of Prayer

Darren Canning May 2014“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)

Prayer is a shield to the soul, a sacrifice to God, and a scourge for Satan— John Bunyan.

Prayer is the most powerful weapon that we have in the face of darkness.  All the powers of hell may try to come against a person of prayer but will be defeated every time.  Sickness has no hold on the heart of the man that beholds the face of God in prayer.  Poverty is an illusion.  Depression is simply a mocker.  Fear is an imposter and death has no sting.

A person filled with the presence of God might look like they are the weakest person in the world, but they are strong because of their God.

Those with great power might look down their noses at them.  Those with money might try to steal the little that they have.  Those with influence might look past them because they are not wearing the nicest clothes, yet they will have something that these do not have.  The entire world will stop to look into the eyes of a man of God because He is different than any other.

A person who understands God and who knows His power, understands the authority that God grants to the believer.  They are able to command the greatest demon to bow in prayer and it will because they know the power in the name of Jesus.

The enemy really does understand the power of a man who belongs to Christ, whose sins have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb.  Darkness knows that the child of God is a new creation who has great power.  Even the weakest believer is greater than the most powerful unbeliever.

The people of this world might have more than you but without Christ they are still on a train bound to hell.

When they see your character and understand that you are not swayed by temptation or avarice, they will become discouraged in complacency and desire the better way.

A soul surrendered to a life of prayer will have tasted and seen that the Lord is good and will not be drawn away when temptation does come because the devil’s delicacies will pale in comparison.  The good things of the Lord that wait for us you will see in prayer.  The Lord lays a table for a person of prayer.  When those who have surrendered to the world’s ways see that you are not swayed by their temptations, great fear will come upon them and they too will desire the better way.

Even when you are attacked, just pray because such peace and assurance will be yours when you call to God in prayer.  This is my experience and even today I faced a crisis that brought me to the place of prayer.   As I put the matter before the Lord and prayed, great peace and understanding came to me.  The Lord showed me that it would be alright and indeed the matter turned around very quickly.

I pray that you too will become a great person of prayer.  I ask the Lord to speak to you clearly so that you hear His voice.  May you now and forever understands His will very clearly.