April 21, 2013–Would you Wait for the Shadow?

Peter's shadowAs a result of the apostles’ work, sick people were brought out into the streets on beds and mats so that Peter’s shadow might fall across some of them as he went by. Crowds came from the villages around Jerusalem, bringing their sick and those possessed by evil spirits, and they were all healed. (Acts 5:15-16)

You have most likely read this passage before…more than once.  You may have even heard a number of sermons based on it.

Chances are that the focus was on how the anointing on Peter was so strong that he did not even have to lay hands on anybody to heal them or deliver them from demons.

As a matter of fact, this phenomenon has often been cited as a fulfillment of Jesus’ words in John 14:12: “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father.”

And it certainly is. After all, the gospels do not record a similar incident.

People touched the hem of Jesus’ garment (Mark 5:27-29, 6:56) and were healed. Some were healed when He simply released the healing word (Matthew 8:13, 15:28).

Of course, many were healed when He touched them or spoke words over them.

But, there is no healing miracle or deliverance that happened when Jesus simply passed by those who were sick or demon-possessed.

It is truly an amazing phenomenon, not to mention an accurate fulfillment of Jesus’ promise.

You know what is equally amazing?

The expectancy of those who came from the villages around Jerusalem, believing that all they had to do was to be on the sidelines and wait for Peter’s shadow to fall on them.  At that very moment they would be healed and/or delivered.

Would you agree?

Let’s look at another scenario.

We are told that when Jesus ministered in his home town of Nazareth that “He did only a few miracles there because of their unbelief.” (Matthew 13:58)

They did not expect Him to do anything miraculous…and it was so, according to their faith (or lack thereof).

This is in stark contrast to what happened in Jerusalem with Peter, isn’t it?

They came expecting the miraculous…and they got it!

So, let me ask you this today: What is your expectancy level?

Yes, you believe that God can do it. Yes, you’ve seen God do it for others.

But if it hasn’t happened for you, yet…could it be related to your expectancy level?

Would you take a moment to ask the Holy Spirit if this is the case?

If the answer is No, praise God! Your mission is to help others raise their level of expectancy.

If He says Yes, would you please take a moment to visualize all those people who lined the streets of Jerusalem waiting for Peter’s shadow to fall on them?

Ramp up your expectancy level to theirs.

When the Holy Spirit overshadows you, get ready to witness the miraculous!

April 15, 2013–How Sharp Are You?

knife sharpenerThe last time we purchased a set of knives, it came with a block that had one slot per knife…plus one.

The extra slot looked nothing like the rest of them, which were essentially flat perpendicular slits in the wood.

This one was much shorter than any of the knife slots. Also, it was a small square.

As we started taking out the knives, we noticed one that was not a knife.

It turned out to be the knife sharpener.

The manufacturers, recognizing the fact that all knives eventually grow dull with use, chose to include the solution in the package.

Of course, we had no reason to use the sharpener for quite some time as the knives were still brand new.

But then came a day when cutting up chicken with the biggest knife turned out to be quite a chore. It sliced through the meat with very little difficulty, but cutting through the skin was quite another story.

It was pretty obvious that the knife had lost at least some of its sharp edge.

Thank God for the knife sharpener in the block. All we had to do was take it out, run the edge of the knife on it a few times and bingo! We had ourselves a sharp knife again.

Isn’t it true that we, like the knives, can lose our sharp edge from time to time? Whatever the cause may be–constant use, fatigue, stress—becoming dull is inevitable.

Thankfully, God has provided a way for us to re-gain our sharp edge.

Are you ready for it? Here it is in Proverbs 27:17:

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”

That’s it.

For the knife to be sharpened, it needs to come in contact with the sharpener.
So also, for us to stay sharp, we need to place ourselves in a position where we come into contact with others.

This is why God created us to live in community.

God placed in us the need to need one another.

Living in isolation could turn out to be a recipe for dullness of mind and spirit.

Meeting with others to study the Bible, spending time with a mentor, being part of a “mastermind” or “think-tank” are practical means by which we keep one another sharp.

Interestingly enough, the process of sharpening a knife produces friction when it comes in contact with the sharpener.

However, without that friction, the sharp edge is not regained.

What this tells us is that we need not meet with people who are like-minded and agree with us on everything.

As a matter of fact, those who challenge us and create friction in the process contribute to our sharpness!

My friend Grant Lafleche who engaged me in a debate on the meaning of Christmas last December sharpened my wits quite a bit through his views, which were often diametrically opposed to mine.

How about you? Have you discovered the truth that “Iron sharpens iron” in your life?

On the road to reaching our destiny, it is highly desirable if not outright essential that we connect with others, even with those who disagree with us (at least on certain points) and make us sharper in the process by creating friction.

What has been your experience in this area? Please share your responses with the rest of your DWOD family.

April 14, 2013–The Ragamuffin Gospel

ragamuffin gospelNews came today that Brennan Manning had died.

Manning was a friar, contemplative and author who wrote about the scandal of grace out of his intimacy with the Father with disarming honesty.

Books such as The Ragamuffin Gospel: Good News for the Bedraggled, Beat-up and Burnt out and Abba’s Child: The Cry of the Heart for Intimate Belonging are classics that will far outlive his 78 years on this planet.

For today’s DWOD, would you please read and reflect on these quotes that came from the heart and pen of this humble yet powerful man of God?

“Define yourself radically as one beloved by God. This is the true self. Every other identity is illusion.”

“When I get honest, I admit I am a bundle of paradoxes. I believe and I doubt, I hope and get discouraged, I love and I hate, I feel bad about feeling good, I feel guilty about not feeling guilty. I am trusting and suspicious. I am honest and I still play games. Aristotle said I am a rational animal; I say I am an angel with an incredible capacity for beer.
To live by grace means to acknowledge my whole life story, the light side and the dark. In admitting my shadow side I learn who I am and what God’s grace means. As Thomas Merton put it, “A saint is not someone who is good but who experiences the goodness of God.”

When Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy burdened,” He assumed we would grow weary, discouraged, and disheartened along the way. These words are a touching testimony to the genuine humanness of Jesus. He had no romantic notion of the cost of discipleship. He knew that following Him was as unsentimental as duty, as demanding as love.”

“I want neither a terrorist spirituality that keeps me in a perpetual state of fright about being in right relationship with my heavenly Father nor a sappy spirituality that portrays God as such a benign teddy bear that there is no aberrant behavior or desire of mine that he will not condone. I want a relationship with the Abba of Jesus, who is infinitely compassionate with my brokenness and at the same time an awesome, incomprehensible, and unwieldy Mystery. ”

Finally, here is a prayer that you may wish to make your own:
“Lord, when I feel that what I’m doing is insignificant and unimportant, help me to remember that everything I do is significant and important in your eyes, because you love me and you put me here, and no one else can do what I am doing in exactly the way I do it.”

Would you please share your reflections on these quotes with the rest of your DWOD family? Thanks in advance.

April 13, 2013–Checked your Saltiness lately?

spilled salt shaker“Salt is good for seasoning. But if it loses its flavour, how do you make it salty again? Flavourless salt is good neither for the soil nor for the manure pile. It is thrown away.” (Luke 14:34-35)

Chemists will tell you that it is virtually impossible for sodium chloride to become unstable and lose its saltiness.

However, in Jesus’ day, salt came in different grades and various degrees of purity. The impurities could be so overwhelming that they could render the salt flavourless. Thus, salt could literally lose its saltiness.

When that happened, it was of absolutely no use for anything, not even the manure pile. There was no other alternative left except for it to be completely discarded.

Jesus uses salt as a metaphor of the way in which we as his followers influence culture.

Prior to the practice of refrigeration, salt was used as a preservative. It was also used as an antiseptic, for example, to rub on newborn babies. (Ezekiel 16:4)

In other words, salt that retained its saltiness would make a tangible difference to the meat or fish to which it was applied. It would prevent them from rotting.

Similarly, Jesus declares that when the witness of his disciples is as it ought to be, then it is bound to impact those with whom we come in contact in a noticeable way.

However, when our witness is contaminated by internal impurities or corrupted by outside influences, then it loses its ability to effect any change in others, amen?

George Barna reports that based on surveys conducted by his organization, less than 20% of self-declared “born-again” Christians hold a biblical worldview.

There is virtually no difference between Christians and non-Christians in matters of sexual expression outside of marriage, divorce rates, to name a couple of areas.

On more than occasion, we have heard stories of a visitor to a church service who discovers that a co-worker is a member of that church and remarks: “I would’ve never guessed that you went to church, (first name)!” Ouch!

It could be the language we use, the way we treat co-workers, our response to suffering, our unwillingness to take an unpopular stand, our use of drugs and/or alcohol or moral relativism that shies away from absolute truth.

Such tainted witness ain’t worth its, er, salt.

It does nothing to prevent the moral rot of culture. Chuck it out!

That’s what Jesus seems to be saying.

So, here is a question for you. Have you checked your saltiness level lately?

Would your witness be described as one that makes a difference to those around you?

If yes, praise God!

If no or not sure, surely this is a good time to get rid of the contaminants and pollutants that have corrupted your witness and become salty again.

After all, who wants to end up being simply dismissed or discarded?

April 12, 2013–Jesus gets the Glory, We get the Honour

water to wineFor all of you Bible scholars, here is a (trick) question:

•    At whose hands did the miracle of water changing into wine actually happen?

If you answered Jesus…think again!

Better still, read again!

Jesus told the SERVANTS: “Fill the jars with water.” When the jars had been filled, he said, “Now dip some out, and take it to the master of ceremonies.” So the SERVANTS followed his instructions. When the master of ceremonies tasted the water that was now wine, not knowing where it had come from (though, of course, the SERVANTS knew), he called the bridegroom over. (John 2:7-9)

Put yourself in the place of one of the servants at the wedding feast.

You have just carried out Jesus’ instructions to fill the jars with water. The jars are now full of water.

Then you dip into the jar and take some water out to the MC. By the time the water gets to him, it has turned into wine.

Clearly the miracle happened because Jesus was in the house and gave the orders.

But He gave the servants the privilege of being the ones who actually got to “do” the miracle as they obeyed him.

You could say that Jesus got the glory, but the servants got the honour!

Similarly when a man who was born lame gets healed at the entrance to the Jerusalem temple, Peter says to him: “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up, and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.” (Acts 3:6-7)

When he and John are questioned by the authorities as to how they could make this happen, Peter replies: “Let it be known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands here before you whole.” (Acts 4:10)

Jesus gets the glory, but Peter gets the honour!

Over the past weekend, Sulojana and I were privileged to minister in the Ottawa Valley in Ontario, Canada.

A number of signs, wonders and miracles happened at all four locations.

At The Oasis in Kinburn, a woman who had been wearing a brace to control the pain from carpal tunnel syndrome was set free from her pain on Friday evening. She showed up at a meeting on Saturday night at the Destiny Center in Carleton Place, with her brace-free hand as a testimony and the brace as a souvenir!

Jesus got the glory, we got the honour of laying hands on her.

That same night, a woman who was clearly experiencing demonic oppression experienced freedom after a dramatic encounter with Jesus.

The five women who gathered around had the honour of participating in her deliverance, but the glory belonged to Jesus and Him alone!

God makes this very clear in Isaiah 42:8: “I am the Lord, that is My name; and My glory I will not give to another.”

But He certainly gives us the honour of co-labouring with Him, so that the miracle actually happens through us. Wow!

Just as the servants in Cana, so also we here in Canada know that it is Jesus who is responsible for the miracle.

Yes, Jesus gets the Glory, but We get the Honour!

Will you please share experiences in your life that confirm the truth of this statement with the rest of your DWOD family? Thank you.

April 10, 2013–Why you need to keep it L.T.D.

LTD SYMBOLHave you noticed that the simplest slogans are also the most memorable?
“Just do it.”–Nike
“Eat fresh.”–Subway
“Finger lickin’ good.”–Kentucky Fried Chicken
“I’m loving it.”–McDonalds

The easier a slogan is to remember, the more likely you are to think of a particular company say, when you’re shopping for runners or looking for a place to eat.

A leader in a networking business used to teach what he called the L.T.D. Principle (in the days when Ford made a car called the LTD).

“Keep it Learnable, Teachable and Duplicatable.”

In other words, don’t complicate it. Keep it simple!

Those who followed this piece of advice did indeed achieve remarkable success, while those who came up with complex plans found out the hard way that simplicity wins!

You may have noticed that God has a way of keeping things simple as well.

Take the 10 commandments, for example. Every one of them is essentially a simple one-liner.

A scholar once pointed out that if you were to translate the Hebrew literally, some of them would read as follows:

”You no steal.”
“You no kill.”
“You no hanky-panky.”
“You no covet.”

Since they are so simple, they are also memorable and are L.T.D as well!

Did Jesus not also keep things simple?

You could summarize his essential teachings with these two sentences:

“Love the Lord your God with all you’ve got.”
“Love your neighbour as you love yourself.”

That’s it! How much simpler can you get, eh?

No wonder Jesus has had so many followers down through the ages!!

He left us with something that is Learnable, Teachable and Duplicatable!

A number of years ago, I was at a Worship, Media & Technology Conference at a church in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

At that time, they had something like 5 services on a weekend, with 1500-2000 people at every service.

I went there under the mistaken impression that their mastery of media and technology was responsible for their spectacular growth.

It turned out that it was their spectacular growth that forced them to become so media and tech savvy!

As I investigated their reason for explosive growth, it became very obvious it all had to do with a very simple slogan/mission statement that was inculcated into every member.

The exact words escape me, but it was something along the lines of: “Each One Reach One for Christ.”

In other words, all they did was teach every follower of Christ in their midst to invite a family member, friend, co-worker or total stranger to follow Jesus.

Then they taught this new disciple how to reach another one for Christ. Once they learned it, the process was now duplicated. Another person came into the Kingdom. And the church grew by one more member. The process was repeated over and over again with every new follower of Jesus.

When they hit a critical mass where enough of them were making disciples on a regular basis, exponential growth became the order of the day.

Oh, yeah, didn’t Jesus say something simple like: “Go and make disciples?” Duh!

The sheer simplicity of it all is simply amazing, isn’t it?

If you sense that you are not advancing toward your destiny as rapidly as you ought to, could it be because you are making everything too complicated to be duplicated?

Could this be the reason you are not seeing much growth in your church, sales force, business or organization?

Put the L.T.D Principle to work. Keep it Learnable, Teachable and Duplicatable.

You too could end up experiencing exponential explosive and exceptional growth!

April 09, 2013–Obstacles Have Wheels

truckIt is a choice that needs to be made every time I take Sulojana to work.

Do we turn into the alley that connects King Street and Church Street? Or do we drive a block further and take Queen Street?

Personally, I prefer the alley, as it is a tad shorter, takes less time and saves us the trouble of going through two sets of lights.

There is only one potential problem with taking the alley.

When two vehicles are coming towards each other, there is not always enough room for both to get through…especially when one vehicle is a truck.

Delivery trucks do like to take the alley so they can get to the loading/unloading areas at the rear of buildings.

So, any vehicle taking the alley is also taking the chance of encountering one of these oversized vehicles.

Since one defers to size in such cases, it is usually the passenger vehicle (namely moi) that has to back up, and often back out back on to King Street and then take Queen Street…by which time, we have wasted a couple of precious minutes.

Get the picture?

Did I tell you that I love to take this risk just about every time, unless one of those trucks is already in the alley within my line of vision?

So, here is the scenario. Two weeks ago, I have already committed to taking the alley. We are a third of the way into the alley when a truck turns into the alley from Church Street and is coming towards me.

Suffice it to say I am not too thrilled about re-tracing my steps a third of the way down the alley back to King Street and then on to Queen, hit the lights, yadi yada…

For some inexplicable reason, I decide not to back up, but simply keep moving forward.

That’s when I noticed the truck making a left turn into the alley that connects our alley with the other parallel alley running north to south.

Now the way was clear for us to keep going, make the right turn on Church Street and drop Sulojana off at her office, right on time!

The Lord used this experience to teach me how we need to keep moving forward in the face of obstacles.

Quite often we are tempted to see obstacles as being immovable, impenetrable, impassable or impossible.

Yet, isn’t it true that obstacles can move too?

A church is told that they cannot add to their existing building because of a bylaw.  Guess what, a bylaw can be changed…it is movable!

You apply for a line of credit that is absolutely necessary to get your next project off the ground, but you cannot convince the loans manager at your bank. Surprise! The manager is “moved” to another branch and her replacement honours your request!

The secretary is firm about it. You will be waiting at least 6 months for your surgery. You are believing for an earlier date. And then you get the phone call. An appointment got “moved!” Can you come in next week instead?

Yes, obstacles have wheels!

God drives obstacles out of the way when we

a.    Speak to them in faith as Jesus commanded us to do. “For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.” (Mark 11:23)

b.    Keep on moving forward as the apostle Paul exhorts us to do. “One thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal…” (Philippians 3:13-14)

Have you experienced this in your life? Please share your stories with the rest of your DWOD family, will you?

April 08, 2013–There is Safety in a Multitude of Counselors

counsel“Friends” whom we had known for a couple of years came to our house one day singing the praises of an investment opportunity that had fallen into their lap.

“This could be the next Trivial Pursuit!”

They were referring to the humble beginnings of the popular game, which was funded by a small group of friends, all of whom ended up with huge financial gains as a result of their faith in Chris Abbott and Scott Haney’s brainchild.

We were now being offered an opportunity to be part of a small group that could potentially strike it rich by investing a minimum of $2000 (which was a month’s take-home pay for me at the time) in this “fail-proof” idea conceived by someone whom they trusted with all their heart as well as their savings.

Sulojana and I talked it over. She had some reservations. I did not.

After all, these were our friends.  After all, how often does an opportunity like this come along? After all, the idea was well thought-out, had potential…even I could see it! She decided to go along with me.

I went to the bank, got a loan and forked the money over. Now we were shareholders in the next great Canadian success story.

Fast forward one year. We get the news that the one whom my friends had trusted had absconded with their savings and our loans, never to be heard from again. We had lost every penny. To add insult to injury, the bank continued to make monthly demands for the rest of our “investment” plus interest.

Several months later we discovered that another friend of ours had also been approached about the same “opportunity.” However, being a business analyst by profession, he had spotted the downside right away and politely declined the offer.

And then he asked me: “Jeeva, why didn’t you pick up the phone and ask my opinion before you decided to go ahead with it?”

To be honest, the thought didn’t even cross my mind. Obviously, I had forgotten these words of wisdom from Proverbs 24: 6: “There is safety in a multitude of counselors.”

I knew instinctively that “two are better than one” (Ecclesiastes 4:12) and was content in the knowledge that Sulojana and I had made this decision together…but we could’ve done one better!

I had total access to the wisdom, knowledge and discernment of my business analyst buddy. By seeking his counsel, we could have spared ourselves the agony of losing $2000.

In the ensuing 20 years, I have noticed that most of the “successful” people I have personally come to know surround themselves with a trusted group whose counsel they value and seek prior to making major decisions.

I can also give you countless examples of those who ignored this principle and made choices that turned out poorly.

One of the greatest blessings we have as members of the Body of Christ is access to the wisdom of the Holy Spirit directly from Him and through what He has deposited into others who are also members of this One Body.

All it takes sometimes is one simple phone call, one e-mail, one text message to a trusted friend who has no vested interest, a time of prayer with a pastor or counsellor to help you make the right choice.

It will definitely prevent you from making mistakes that could hold you back from accelerating toward your destiny…like investing in the next “Trivial Pursuit.”

April 07, 2013–The Tethering Grace of God

tetherYou may have noticed that for the past two days, the DWOD has been published about 9 hours later than normal.

Sulojana and I have been ministering in the Ottawa Valley since Friday night. We have been staying at a retreat centre named A Place to Seek His Face.

It is a comfortable house located in a natural forest setting that is accessible by driving up a mountainous curvy road for more than 3km away from the closest main street.

The quietness and serenity of this place owned and operated by Charles and Alexandra Cheatley is ideal for anyone who simply wants to get away from it all and get rested up and/or restored in body, spirit and soul.

Needless to say there is no internet connection available here—which is a blessing if you want to avoid all distractions.

But, it also spells difficulty for someone who writes and uploads blog posts daily for you who subscribe to Destiny Word of the Day.

The game plan was to compose the DWOD before going to bed, get up early in the morning and drive 30 minutes to a place where there was a free Wi-Fi connection.

At breakfast, we were prompted to ask Alain, the caretaker of the place, the closest location where one could go online.

He promptly pulled out his IPhone, got out the cable with an Apple connector at one end and an USB connector at the other and said: “Right here!”

Thanks to a process known as “tethering” I was able to go online from my laptop and upload the DWOD to facebook, the website and the autoresponder, all in short order.

Praise God for tethering!

This morning, as Sulojana was sharing her side of the amazing miracle that God performed on my body on Dec. 31, 2010, the Holy Spirit helped me discover the tethering grace of God.

Part of Sulojana’s story is about how she was so adversely affected by the deterioration in my health that she found it difficult to pray.

It is not that she did not want to pray. She was not angry at God. Her faith was still intact.

But emotionally, it was very difficult for her to cope with the sight of seeing me lose 30 pounds in less than 6 weeks, lying around with no energy left whatsoever, often experiencing incredible pain as another spasm would hit my stomach.

She realized at that moment how much she (and I) needed the prayers of others. It was so comforting for her to know that there were people in our congregation and a number of close friends who were seeking God on our behalf.

When she could not go online in prayer herself, it was so amazing to realize that others could upload those prayers to the Throne Room in her stead.

The Holy Spirit reminded me that when you are part of the Body of Christ, you are knit together with others who have also chosen to follow Jesus.

No Christian has to ever walk alone, even when it feels lonely. There is always another fellow follower of Jesus who would be glad to agree with you in prayer, stand with you in solidarity and walk with you in unity.

Theologically, you can call it fellowship.
Pragmatically, you can call it support.
Prayerwise, you can call it intercession.
Biblically, you can call it “standing in the gap.”

Let’s just say that we could just as easily name it The Tethering Grace of God.

Can you relate? Please share your experiences with the rest of your DWOD family

April 06,2013–Why We Need to Hear Your Testimony

testimony“They overcame by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony”  (Revelation 12:11)

“The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” (Revelation 19:10)

Come to any Sunday morning service at Morgan’s Point or Forks Road East United Church (the two congregations I serve in Wainfleet Township), and you will notice that it includes a segment known as “Celebrating God’s goodness.”

It is an open microphone session where everyone is encouraged to share how they have experienced the goodness of God in their lives, particularly during the previous week or other recent time period.

Seldom is there a shortage of people willing to share something exciting that happened in their lives.

Some of the stories are nothing short of miraculous, some would be labelled God-incidences, some are about God’s guidance in everyday situations, but they all have one thing in common.

They point to the greatness of our awesome God.

There are times when there are so many reasons for giving God praise that it cuts into my sermon time, but I don’t mind one bit.

Because there is such great power in the sharing of these stories that one sermon by itself cannot offer. Let me explain.

In the first place, they provide encouragement to those who are listening.

I recall a Sunday when a disproportionate number of testimonies had to do with breakthroughs and answers to prayer that had to do with finances. It “just so happened” that we had a first-time visitor to our church that day who had just experienced a serious financial setback. She went home greatly encouraged that God cared about her financial well-being as well.

Since many of the stories attest to the healing power of God, anyone who comes with any healing need or a burden for a loved one/friend who is sick,receives an infusion of hope that they would not have received otherwise.

Recently we started keeping a written record of these testimonies. This way, when someone is discouraged about the way their life is unfolding or feeling that God is not that real anymore or doing miracles anymore, all they have to do is access the record of what God has done in most recent times and their spirits are stirred.

They receive enough hope to hang in there for just a bit longer and stretch their faith just that bit more until they get their breakthrough. “If God did it for them, He will do it for me as well!”

As the verse from Rev. 12:11 points out, a testimony has the power to help you overcome obstacles in life.

So, when I am discouraged, I can rehearse victories I have experienced in the past, so that I can declare: “What God has done before, He can do again for me!”

Another powerful effect we have witnessed is when people start receiving their healing simply by hearing another person’s testimony, without anyone having to lay hands on them or pray for them.

Once when I shared the testimony of how God caused a polyp in my colon to come out in a bowel movement, a woman had a polyp in her colon completely disappear (as verified by her doctor following a colonoscopy).

The testimony of one person became a prophecy that brought about change in another person…wow!

Now you know why we would not dare skip “Celebrating God’s goodness” time at our churches. It is so powerful that we cannot afford to skip it!

So, my dear friend, please share your testimony with the rest of the world at every available opportunity, even if it means overcoming your fear of speaking in public or your reluctance to be in the spotlight.

You will never know how God will use your story to change someone else’s history!